Similar Chile

This is the very last day in Santiago, Chile. In this morning, I have the same fruits as what I had in these days, I will probably miss the fresh fruits here, especially peaches and strawberries, they tasted so sweet! I will miss the fruits here. Then we take the subway to the vega market. I don’t remember whether I have mentioned that the metro system is very similar to the metros in my hometown, shanghai. But shanghai has about ten metro line ways, and the underground system is way complicated than what is happening in Santiago. Every metro station has at least three different exit and where various metro ways intersect each other, the exits system become more difficult. But one thing I noticed about the metro here is they have seats where facing vertically to the direction of the metro, like the situation on the bus, that’s interesting. When we get to the vega market, it’s very crowded. It’s also similar to the markets in China. I remember when I was little, I used to go to the market with my grandmother. The various kinds of fruits and vegetables always catch my attention. It’s a good place to learn about names of fruits and vegetables when I was little. However, maybe my height isn’t helping me to follow our group of people, I feel that I will get lost in the market. Fortunately, everyone follows up the group. A lot of things here in Santiago reminds me of my childhood in Shanghai, I kind of having homesick for seeing the similar hometown sceneries in Chile.

VEGA market

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