Phones in Santiago

During this trip one thing I’ve realized is the people here are never on their phones. When you walk through the Ohio state you see a lot of kids walking while on their phones. Some people have their headphones in and listen to music, some people are texting, and some people are chatting on the phone. Here everybody is involved with what is going on around them. They do not text or open their phone wile hanging out with other people. I think it creates a better atmosphere because they give their undivided attention to one another and truly enjoy each others company.

Another thing I found very interesting is that they do not live at their school. The only time they see each other is during the day so they really enjoy their time together. This may be why they don’t use their phones as much but it was interesting to see. When we told them that we live at our school they were all so shocked and couldn’t comprehend the concept that we stay at school. I didn’t realize that it wasn’t the normal to do this. I find it very interesting to see the difference between cultures and I am looking forward to observing more differences!

2 thoughts on “Phones in Santiago

  1. Wow. That was a great observation. I didn’t realize before you mention it. I think it is a great thing that people have more time talking with their friends face to face instead of chatting with other people in school time.

    • Wow. That was a great observation. I didn’t realize before you mention it. I think it is a great thing that people have more time talking with their friends face to face instead of chatting with other people in school time. I think it is a pretty serious problem that happened between our. Every time we have party with our high school friends, we should have a lot of things to say with each other because we go to different schools and have different stories. But when we meet in a restaurant or a cafe, we would just talk a little bit and then open our phones and look at social media. It seems like we prefer more about instagram and Facebook more than sharing our stories with our old friends. When we visit the architecture school on the mountain, I am impressed that their students were chatting with their friends air playing games with others in heir lunch time. Rarely of them looking at their phones. I think it is a good thing that we can learn from those students. After visiting them, we started to have a “rule” with my friends that we should collect our phones during dinner that allow us have a chance to chat with our friends instead of always looking at our phone.

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