
I am so excited! Its 9.30 am right now, I have everything packed, I don’t think I’m forgetting anything, and I ate a good breakfast! All I have to do now is download my podcasts and music for the plane (Anyone who is looking for a good podcast and is into science check out Skeptics Guide to the Universe)! Unfortunately, I need to do some studying on the plane. But whats a better motivator than being stuck in the same spot for 12 hours?

I think I am most excited for the Market, Valapariso, and for practicing my Spanish. I will definitely be trying grapes while I’m there and hopefully a lot of new food! I am also hoping to hike on our free day. I want to ask the guide about to get to, and where are, good trail heads. So if anyone else finds that interesting, let me know and we can try to work something out as a group 🙂 I’m still a little worried about money, but I don;’t think those fears will go away until I actually have Chilean money in my hand. This is going to be such an amazing trip and I am so excited to be spending spring break with everyone going.

See you all soon!

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