Our upcoming trip!

Waiting for our flight to Dallas at CMH, we are ready to go!

I m really excited about this trip as we are going to studying many pieces of architectures and landscapes. Also we are traveling in a huge group. Many concerns about this trip due to the number of people are thought about during the little talks right now. I am thinking if our trip would be time efficient enough for sightseeing or else since we might spent much time on lines and walking along the street also making sure that we are not losing anyone!

But overall I think it is gonna be a fun trip because we have learned a lot about the culture and city during class. Some basic Spanish in language were also taught in class so at least we won’t be lost in Santiago! Among those iternary I would think about the free day arrangement most since We need to schedule on our own. I am thinking about going to the beach or hiking on the hills but haven’t decided. But definitely I would try some tasty Chilean food in local Santiago. Street drinks had been mentioned many times when I read a tour guide to Santiago. I think that wold be another cool option!

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