Before the Journey- Kaz

As part of my final act of my time at The Ohio State University, I have the honor and privilege to travel to a part of the world I have never yet seen.  I am beyond excited to give the study abroad trip one last go, knowing full well I will have soon have experiences I will look back on fondly for years to come.  I have learned quite a few things in my time abroad, and the most important is the ability to balance expectations.  Having a plan is well and good, but so is the flexibility of meeting the unknown with the candor spirit and open attitude.  My best experiences abroad have been ones where little expectations were made prior.  I have become one with that scary space, between the known and unknown, the expected and unexpected, knowing well I can bounce off and reflect the passion and the energy of my peers in an unfamiliar place.  I am ever comfortable in the shoes of the stranger in a strange land, knowing well the opportunities to adapt, learn, and explore are endless.  I take with me this philosophy as I step on the airplane which take me across the country and closer to my final destination, Santiago!

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