Having gone overseas a handful of times previously I am very much excited for the opportunity to be able to travel again. The entire pre-sojourn experience to me has always been full of emotions; anticipation, gratitude, adventure and as always the very slightest of trepidation. With this flight being 10 hours it will be the longest I have yet to endure. Thankfully I have brought books to read (that I have been meaning to finish for quite some time), my favorite music to listen to, as well as luckily found my airplane seat comfort position so I am at least relatively able to get a light sleep on the overnight leg and adjust to the minor time change. Besides that, I am not worried about the fact that I am not a Spanish speaker, due to the fact that 2 of my friends on this trip are already Spanish minors. Also, I know that Aimee, Troy, Christine, and Trent have organized a well-oiled, tight-knit trip itinerary for each and every one of us to experience all the best possible opportunities Chile has to offer, as well as keep us prepared and protected to get there and return home safe and sound. I am beyond excited to be headed south of the equator for the first and maybe only time ever in my life and become immersed in a land that for centuries has been labeled as one of exotic culture and history.