Hola everyone! My name is Megan Nerici and I am a sophomore Landscape Architecture Major in Knowlton. All anyone basically needs to know about me is that I love everything about the great state of Ohio. I am from a suburb east of Cleveland and have lived there my entire life. I am the middle child of three girls. Although I live in Columbus now, Cleveland will always be my favorite city in the world because it is home.
I also LOVE to travel more than anything in the world. My grandparents are from a small village by the name of Crasciana, Italy. My childhood summers consisted of dancing the “Tarentella” while exploring the ancient village where all my ancestors resided. From a young age I have always loved experiencing other cultures, so visiting South America was a must! I am so excited for this unique experience. I have never traveled anywhere outside North America that was not in Europe, so this will be a very different trip for me.
Other things I like are: cats, anything coffee related (I have a severe mug addiction), Italy, drawing, anything striped, and thrift stores.
Please enjoy this “candid” picture of me drinking the best cup of coffee I have ever had.
I cannot wait to travel with everyone!