Paola’s Bio


My name is Paola (she/her) and I am a History of Art major with a minor in Architecture. I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico and grew up near the beach till I was nine and then moved to Florida. I was originally at the University of South Florida for chemical engineering but quickly realized that it wasn’t for me. Having always been fascinated by painting and sculpture, I transferred to OSU for History of Art and will hopefully be graduating this semester. I currently work as a barista at Starbucks and as an intern at the Columbus Historical Society. I have spent the last two summers in NYC and will be returning again this summer to work as an Senior intern at Columbia University. In other words, this year will be full of travel!

I’m very excited about traveling to Santiago because of the unique architecture within the Latin American contemporary. I’m interested in how the Chilean people interact with their environment and how these interactions shape the development of the city and its aesthetics. I’m looking forward to seeing the role of Pre-Colombian and Spaniard history and how it has been translated over in its art scene.

I am a huge Harry Potter fanatic and yes, that is a legit Ravenclaw robe.


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