Pamela’s Bio

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, outdoor and nature

Hey everyone my name is Pamela Force and I am a third year Landscape Architecture student. I was born in China, but adopted when I was around 8 months old and grew up in  Middleburg Heights, Ohio which is one of the suburbs in Cleveland (GO CAVS!). I have a younger sister turning 17 this year who is also adopted from China. I played basketball and volleyball when I was in high school, but overall my favorite sport to play/watch is basketball. I played the flute throughout all 4 years of high school, but now a days focus on learning how to play the guitar and piano.

Majoring in Landscape Architecture is still very surreal to me because I would have never pictured myself being in this major 4years ago and yet here I am with a year and a half to go. I was set on majoring in social work or nutrition, but adding freshman year studio to my schedule last minute was probably one of the best decisions I had ever made. I’m very grateful and excited to be going to Santiago, Chile and I’m even more excited to be able to experience the South American culture! Two things that I hope to gain from this trip is to improve on my drawing skills and to think more creatively about my sketches.

I hope and pray that we will all travel safely to and from Santiago, Chile and we will all have a very great and rewarding experience from our time studying abroad.

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