About Aimee

Three words to describe myself: teacher, mother, traveler.

I was born in Venezuela and moved to Ohio when I was 4 where my mom says I learned English from Sesame Street (and of course my bilingual mom). I have 2 younger sisters and love cats, especially black ones (ask Troy if he likes cats). I’m a double alumnae of OSU, with undergraduate and Masters degrees in architecture. I started teaching  at OSU when I graduated and started the first spring break study abroad (to London) and so fortunate to have traveled with many students to London (eight times), Barcelona, Netherlands, Rio, Italy and now Santiago! I have been teaching at OSU for 16 years and am very fortunate to have a job that I love and have a passion to do. I also teach classes in sustainability ( Arch 2220), intro architecture/landscape architecture (Arch/LArch 2300) and Exploring Columbus  (Arch 4880) . I am a STEP mentor and faculty advisor for Visible Invisble student group supporting homeless youth in Columbus. This summer I worked on a book with two Brazilian students on the designers (architects and landscape architects) of Brazil, an ambition I had a decade ago. Still a work in progress, I appreciate the journey of the experience. Perhaps the book will expand to be Brazilian and Chilean designers…

My life outside of teaching is filled with family, especially Ben and Quinn which you will hear about from time to time. They are lovely, smart and beautiful little beings and amazing to have in our life.

My favorites are: the sound of the ocean, my feet in the sand, El Arepatzo, Smashing Pumpkins, yoga, traveling, pink peonies, Audrey Hepburn, black cats, sketching, London and snuggling with my little ones.

I look forward to traveling with you all and showing you the fantastic city of Santiago!


Ben, Mark, Quinn and Aimee


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