About Me

Hello my name is Hady Salama.  I was born in Egypt and moved to the United States when I was five years old. I am from Rocky River, Ohio, a western suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. I am a Computer Science and Engineering Pre-Major. I am also a Humanitarian Engineering Scholar and a Morrill Scholar and am involved in Coptic Club on campus. My hobbies include coding, going out with friends, watching Netflix, producing music, creating photoshops, video edits and, websites and hanging out with family. I am very passionate about Computer Science because it is the future. Computers are everywhere and they will not disapear anytime soon so I believe it is very important to understand how they work and how they affect us even if you are not interested in Computer Science. I also decided to join the Humanitarian Engineering Scholars because I deeply connect with the concept of Humanitarian Engineering because I believe that given all the privileges we have in the United States we have a social responsiblity to the other 90% of the world that do not have these privileges to better their lives. Casey Neistat once said that given the fact that we were born in this country or lived here for most of our lives that we have already won the lottery in terms of the opportunities available to us in this world and that it is our responsibility to better the lives of the people that do not have these opportunities. This is one of the founding principles of Humanitarian Engineering and that is something I want to be a part of.

Strengths Finder

Connectedness – It makes a lot sense that this is my top Strength because I do believe that everything is connected and everything happens for a reason. When reason is vague or one might feel that it is nonexistent, you just have to dig deeper to find it. This strength stems from my faith and spirituality as a Coptic Orthodox Christian.

Individualization – There are over 7 billion people that live in the world today. There’s over 8,000 freshmen at OSU. Whenever I am in a line for something on campus or I am in a hurry it is very easy to neglect that the people around me are individuals just as I am. When we live in such a populated world it is so easy to generalize people and forget that everyone is their own individual. Its actually funny that this is my second top trait because I used to be a firm believer in the 16personalities version of the Myers Briggs personality test and I still believe that it is acurate but it only gives a super general overview of a person. Personality tests do not give the whole story to a human being. You have to actually get to know someone and view them as an individual instead of a type to really understand them.

Deliberative – I think this trait reflects my growth from highschool because I used to be very carefree and open to everyone. My experiences from the past two years but mainly the last year have shaped me to become a lot more private and deliberate because I realized that it is better to be careful in every situation and it is better to be a closed book than an open book. Situations in life are kind of like Julia Fractals. The more you zoom in the more complexity to the shape or in this case the situation you find. You have to keep a level head, assess the risks and solve the problem because “If you don’t keep your cool now, you’ll never make a sound.” ( A line from one of my favorite songs ever called ‘Hear Me Now’ by Alok, Bruno, Martini and Zeeba.)

Strategic – I love recognizing patterns. I love anyalzing things that people would normally not care to analyze. I think that I have picked this strength up from school because I’ve taken mainly STEM classes through out highschool and I plan on majoring in Computer Science Engineering. A common misconception about strategic mindsets is that they can only be applied in the realm of thinking and people that are mainly thinkers are most likely to be strategic but I am actually heavily a feeler than a thinker. I like to be strategic about my emotions and social situations more than math and science because I end up discovering things about myself. It also helps me find a balance between deep emotions and my thoughts. Most of all it helps me find reason in anything by being analytical which ties back to my top trait of Connectedness.

Ideation – I love ideas. I prefer the abstract concepts over the sensory details on any occasion. I love induction over deduction. Induction is what allows me to make connections and theories. I love theorizing the world around me with my friends. The only joy I find in details is the connection that paints a bigger picture of what would normally be dull numbers and figures. Everything is connected and concepts are the tiny bits of enlightenment that show us the connection.

Ending Note – When I first got these results back they were sort of meaningless to me but after writing about them, they make a lot of sense. Like wow Strengths Finder is weirdly acurate with a good depth too.

Year in Review

[ “Year in Review”  is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student.  You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email eportfolio@osu.edu. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


Columbus To-Do List #1

My Peer Mentor Group and I went to the Short North Condado on North High Street on Saturday October 27th. At Condado I ordered two tacos with a lot of toppings so it was almost like ordering two burritos. The thing I enjoyed most about the experience is that Condado was an exact replica of my all time favorite taco place in Cleveland called Barrio. Through talking to our waiter, I learned that the  creator of Condado was actually a former co-owner of Barrio and that he left Barrio to open Condado because the co-owners had an argument whether or not Barrio should become a national chain restaurant because it was doing so well in Cleveland. Personally, I think that it was smart to keep Barrio local because Barrio is still better than Condado and is a staple of the Cleveland food scene. Condado’s taco’s were more expensive and I felt like it was just the same thing but in a different location. I would definitely go back as it is now my Barrio in Columbus and recommend it to friends.

Columbus To-Do List #2

As approved by Rachel as a To-Do List event after the event happened, my roomates and I and fellow HES peers went to the Columbus Crew game on October 29th with Drackett Tower for free. It started with a tour of MAPFRE Stadium and a lecture from some of the business workers there about a career in sports and then the game. The event was very fun and it was a great opportunity for us to get out of our dorms because we were all on campus that weekend. What I enjoyed most that it was also a great way for us bond and really get to know eachother.  This was the last regular season Crew game so it was very hype all through out. Although the game got delayed due to thunder we still had a lot of fun because we were really enjoying eachother’s company. If I could do anything differently, I would reschedule it on a day that wasn’t raining. I really enjoyed this experience with my roomates and fellow HES peers.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email eportfolio@osu.edu. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


Artifact #1 – My DSLR Camera


Throughout 2017, I discovered a more artistic side of me that I never really let out. I discovered that I am really into photography so I bought my camera in 2017 before I went on a Mission Trip to Hawaii. For so much of my life I’ve been labeled as a computer nerd who loves all things technology but computers and technology are just a means to the end for me and that end is Creativity. I love being creative more than anything because it is so freeing. Like I’ve actually came to enjoy these HES assignments a lot because it involves writing and reflection. I love photography because it allows me to capture the art that I find in the world around me. I also love editing photos and making them more beautiful than they already are.

Artifact #2 – My Study Space

Through out the semester I have enjoyed my study space in almost everything I have done. It is a space where I am very productive compared to how productive I was in high school which was a lot less than here. Aside from studying, most of the things I do in my dorm like, talking to my roomates, watching tv or listening to music is done at my study space. I like to keep my study space very clean and boring to minimize distractions. Although my study space is not really a tangible item like my camera, it still holds an important place in my life.