DSWS Service

Buckeyethon 2019

Hours: 12

I fundraised as a part of our Dunn Sport and Wellness Scholars team that as a whole fundraised about 34,000 dollars for pediatric cancer research. I attended the dance marathon as a buckeye boogier to culminate our fundraising efforts. We participated in the day shift this year which was nice because we were able to meet and interact with more of the kids that Buckeyethon supports.

DSWS Service

Columbus Marathon Volunteer

Hours: 5

I worked alongside some of my fellow DSWS members at a water station on Coffey Road and Lane. It was right around mile 17 of the race. We arrived early before the race began to set up the tables, lay out cups, and mix the gatorade. Once everything was prepared the runners began to come by. We handed out the water and gatorade to them and showed our support. A cool moment was that we got to see a DSWS Alumni go by.


DSWS Day of Service

Hours: 5

For the DSWS Day of Service due to our large numbers we split up between 3 separate locations, The Ohio Furniture Bank, The Columbus Dream Center, and Goodwill Columbus. I lead the group that went to Goodwill. We were at one of their retail stores on North High Street. While we were there we sorted and organized all of the clothing in the store. Due to our large numbers we were able to complete this task much faster than it typically would, helping the employees a lot.


Year In Review

The Dunn Sport and Wellness and Scholars program has opened many new doors for my Ohio State development both personally and professionally. From a personal standpoint I have met so many people as a result of my involvement in this program. I have gotten to know many of my closest friends here at Ohio State as a result of living beside everyone in Morrill Tower. By participating in various events and playing on multiple intramural team I feel like I have built positive relationships with all of the first years. In addition to this, I have gotten to know many of the second years through these same events and the family system that began in welcome week. I now even know some of the third and fourth years as a result of our new track group program. That’s a good transition into how DSWS has benefitted me professionally as well. The track group program helps connect us to older students who can provide advice on our future academic endeavors and how to navigate finding an internship and building a resume. Our professional development meeting also taught me many useful tips along these lines. Finally being that Dunn Scholars is directly associated with Rec Sports it opens doors to potential employment on campus.
DSWS has taught me a few important life lessons. One, it has taught me the importance of having balance in your life. We discuss the importance of wellness and how you have to maintain all 9 dimensions, and on a simpler level balancing your education and personal life. DSWS has also taught me the importance of branching out and building relationships. I have learned that knowing a lot of people in college is very useful, not only for making new friends but when you need connections or resources you can hopefully find someone or already know someone who can help you out.
After entering DSWS I feel that it has broadened my horizons. Through meeting all of these new people I think that have I have been opened up to many new perspectives and ways of thinking because we have all grown up in different settings and scenarios. I think it has allowed me to further develop as a person. Also, I feel that Dunn Scholars has made me a more motivated person. I live and spend time along with so many bright people that have big goals and ambitions and are driven to achieve them. This positive culture has helped me look more deeply at my goals and ambitions than I ever have before. Finally, I have been able to look outside of my initial expectations of DSWS. Coming in I thought it would be a helpful tool in my experience but really I had no idea the magnitude that it would. DSWS has played a major role in my life so far and I can’t imagine what my Ohio State experience would be like without it.

Year in Review

Over the course of my first semester I have had so many memorable experiences. Maybe one of the most memorable would have to be welcome week. Starting college can be a very nerve-racking time for people and while I was a little nervous before hand, it went away very fast. Not long after settling in, we were already getting introduced to our fellow scholars and participating in activities. It started with dinner in the Women’s Field House which was always great because everyone likes free food. Then we went to the ARC and played a bunch of sports like soccer, volleyball, and wheelchair basketball. It was so much fun, the next day we went all around downtown Columbus as a part of our Amazing Race activity. We went to the North Market, the Arena District, and practiced singing Carmen in the park. It helped us get a better understanding of all of the cool things near campus and we practiced using the COTA and CABS bus systems. On the Saturday of welcome week we went to an outdoor adventure center and did a bunch of team building challenges, then the final event was a volleyball tournament between our families. Over the course of these first few days I was introduced to a ton of new people and made many new friends. I think this experience was very valuable because in comparison to other students I knew a lot more people a lot faster. Besides getting to know the people I live with, meeting many of the second year students was very valuable because they have a lot of good advice regarding classes and campus resources.


[ “G.O.A.L.S.” is a place where students write about how their planned, current, and future activities may fit into the Honors & Scholars G.O.A.L.S.: Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development, and Service Engagement. For more information, go to: http://honors-scholars.osu.edu/e-portfolio. Delete these instructions and add your own post.

Global Awareness: Students cultivate and develop their appreciation for diversity and each individual’s unique differences. For example, consider course work, study abroad, involvement in cultural organizations or activities, etc .
Original Inquiry: Honors & Scholars students understand the research process by engaging in experiences ranging from in-class scholarly endeavors to creative inquiry projects to independent experiences with top researchers across campus and in the global community. For example, consider research, creative productions or performances, advanced course work, etc.
Academic Enrichment: Honors & Scholars students pursue academic excellence through rigorous curricular experiences beyond the university norm both in and out of the classroom.
Leadership Development: Honors & Scholars students develop leadership skills that can be demonstrated in the classroom, in the community, in their co-curricular activities, and in their future roles in society.
Service Engagement: Honors & Scholars students commit to service to the community.]


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: http://honors-scholars.osu.edu/e-portfolio. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


An artifact from the first semester would have to be our Dunn Scholars t-shirts. We were given them at the end of welcome week when we all gathered at the rotunda of Ohio Stadium. We had been extremely busy over the past few days going from one event to another and it was nice to finally slow down and reflect on it all. I remember sitting there taking it all in, if the first few days were that eventful, I couldn’t wait for what was to come. As we all sat around we were called up to get our t-shirts, looking at the shirt I think back to everything we did to get those shirts. Once we all had them they were one of the first things that unified all of us new freshman who had just met each other. They are a reminder that we are part of something bigger here at The Ohio State University and they also carry Mike Dunn’s name on them. Whenever I put it on for an intramural game or simply am wearing it around I know that I am representing the program so I need to be at my best and present a positive image for our program. The shirt overall is a reminder of all of the things I have done so far in regards to scholars. In addition, when I look at it, I think of all the great opportunities and experiences that are yet to come in my college experience.

About Me

My name is PJ Rychlik, I’m a freshman at The Ohio State University and a member of the Dunn Sport and Wellness scholars program. I am from Ridgefield, CT and I am an accounting major in the Fisher College of Business. I chose to be an accounting major because I have always enjoyed math and critical thinking. In addition, graduating with an accounting major gives me a lot of options in future career paths. Alongside my work in the classroom, I am a very active person I like to exercise and play sports with my friends. That is a big part of why I was drawn to Dunn Sport and Wellness scholars. I think it builds a great community and I’ve made a lot of friends as a result. I also am a member of the Ohio State Rugby team, I played in high school and I enjoy being part of a team culture such as that.