
Shane Ruiz

88 W Woodruff Avenue * Columbus, OH 43210 * * 412-779-9861


The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering Dec 2020



  • General Chemistry with Labs
  • Calculus I
  • Engineering with Programming



  • Computer Language Knowledge
    • C++
    • Java
    • JavaScript
  • Understand and quickly interpret computer programs
  • Basic Chemistry Knowledge



Best Buy Cranberry Twp., PA

Sales Associate 2014-present

  • Assisted customers in transactions
  • Used Technical knowledge to assist customers with understanding which products best fit a customer’s needs
  • Performed tasks involving warehouse work, checkout, and trainings in an efficient manner


Umpiring Cranberry Twp., PA

Umpire 2012-2014

  • Controlled overactive adults
  • Helped teach and improve children’s knowledge of the game



Computer Programming Competitions

  • Knowledge of basic java, C++, and JavaScript programming
  • Interaction with teams to complete tasks requiring multiple different skills


E sports Initiative (ESI) at Ohio State

  • Working with a team to be able to set up tournaments
  • Working within a management group to organize and plan tournaments

Scholars Fun Times

DC06-570 Gateway Hop JUL-13-2006 Photo by Jo McCulty The Ohio State University

Gateway Hop
Photo by Jo McCulty
The Ohio State University

Movie Night at the Gateway was an amazing way to meet new people. I would be more than happy to go to any events that involve meeting my fellow OSU students.

About Me

As a First Year Scholars student I have very few achievements at college. However, I have many experiences from high school that have made an impact on me. During high school the single biggest moment for myself was getting to see an open heart surgery. This experience changed my life and made me realize two things, first I can’t handle being a surgeon and second that I wanted to be involved in the medical field.


Year in Review

This previous semester of college has been quite an experience. I have been quite overwhelmed in general, and I have slowly been able to gain more control over it. I have experienced my first gaming tournament, gotten more experience in coding, and have begun to plan tournaments as well. I have had some trouble with grades for a while, but have slowly begun developing study methods that have been working better. This shall continue being updated as I have more experiences.


Original Inquiry is the biggest part of college that interests me. As a person my goals in life are to do research in the field of nanotechnology to hopefully be able to cure certain diseases without a doctor needing to perform surgery. In order to do this I have to first attempt research in order to become more proficient at it and understand how I can more effectively use research to achieve that goal.

Academic Enrichment is one of the major things I have thought about as a student. My entire college career is centered around what I will be able to take away from each and every year in order to make myself the most knowledgeable student I can be. Choosing the Bio-medical Engineering major is intended to allow me to experience all of the different fields of medical sciences there are so that I can further choose which field I want to specialize in.