
Week 1

reverse(1);\\reverse the motor

 celerate(1,0,15,2.5);\\accelerate the motor from 0 to 15 power over 2.5 seconds

 goFor(1);\\continue for 1 second

 brake(1);\\brake motor 1

 celerate(2,0,27,4);\\accelerate motor 2 from 0 to 27 in 4 seconds

 goFor(2.7);\\continue for 2.7 seconds

 celerate(2,27,15,1);\\accelerate motor 2 from 27 to 25 in 1 second

 brake(2);\\brake motor 2

 reverse(2);\\reverse motor 2

 celerate(4,0,31,2);\\accelerate all motors from 0 to 31 in 2 seconds

 motorSpeed(4,35);\\set all motors to speed 35

 goFor(1);\\continue for 1 second

 brake(2);\\brake motor 2

 goFor(3);\\continue for 3 seconds

 brake(4);\\brake all motors

 goFor(1);\\continue for 1 second

 reverse(1);reverse motor 1

 celerate(1,0,19,2);accelerate motor 1 from 0 to 19 in 2 seconds

 motorSpeed(2,35);\\set motor 2 to 35% power

 goFor(2);\\continue for 2 seconds

 motorSpeed(2,19);\\ set motor 2 to 19% power

 goFor(2);\\continue for 2 seconds

 celerate(4,19,0,3);\\accelerate all motors from 19 to 0 in 3 seconds

 brake(4);\\brake all motors

Week 4

motorSpeed(4,22.5);\\set all motors to 22.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-280);\\ goto 280 marks

brake(4);\\brake all motors

Week 7
























Sample Code from Performance Test 1

reverse(4);   \\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,32.5);    \\change all motor speeds to 32.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-184);  \\run until the position at -184 marks is reached

celerate(4,32.5,27.5,1);  \\decelerate all motors over 1 second to 27.5%power

goToAbsolutePosition(-400);  \\run until the position at -400 marks is reached

reverse(4);  \\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,40);  \\change all motor speeds to 40%

goFor(1);  \\run motors for 1 second

brake(4);  \\stop all motors

goFor(7);   \\idle for 7 seconds

reverse(4);  \\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,32.5);  \\change all motor speeds to 32.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-501);  \\run until the position at -501 marks is reached

celerate(4,32.5,27.5,1);  \\decelerate all motors over 1 second to 27.5%power

goToAbsolutePosition(-820);  \\run until the position at -820 marks is reached

reverse(4);  \\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,40);  \\change all motor speeds to 40%

goFor(1);  \\run motors for 1 second

brake(4);  \\stop all motors

goFor(5);  \\idle for 5 seconds

motorSpeed(4,32.5);  \\change all motor speeds to 32.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-656);  \\run until the position at -656 marks is reached

celerate(4,32.5,27.5,1);  \\decelerate all motors over 1 second to 27.5%power

goToAbsolutePosition(-420);  \\run until the position at -420 marks is reached

reverse(4);  \\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,40);  \\change all motor speeds to 40%

goFor(1);  \\run motors for 1 second

brake(4);  \\stop all motors

goFor(7);  \\idle for 7 seconds

reverse(4);  \\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,32.5);  \\change all motor speeds to 32.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-339);  \\run until the position at -339 marks is reached

celerate(4,32.5,27.5,1);  \\decelerate all motors over 1 second to 27.5%power

goToAbsolutePosition(-20);  \\run until the position at -20 marks is reached

reverse(4);  \\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,40);  \\change all motor speeds to 40%

goFor(1);  \\run motors for 1 second

brake(4);  \\stop all motors

goFor(7);  \\idle for 7 seconds

Performance Test 2

reverse(4);\\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,32.5);\\set all motors to 32.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-184);\\goto 184 marks

celerate(4,32.5,27.5,1);\\decelerate all motors from 32.5% to 27.5% in 1 second

goToAbsolutePosition(-400);\\goto 400 marks

reverse(4);\\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,40);\\set all motors to 40% power

goFor(1);\\go for 1 second

brake(4);\\ brake all motors

goFor(7);\\ continue for 7 seconds

reverse(4);\\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,32.5);\\ set all motors to 32.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-501);\\goto 501 marks

celerate(4,32.5,27.5,1);\\decelerate all motorss from 32.5% to 27.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-820);\\goto 820 marks

reverse(4);\\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,40);\\set all motors

goFor(1);\\continue for 1 second

brake(4);\\brake all motors

goFor(5);\\ idle for 5 seconds

motorSpeed(4,32.5);\\ set all motors to 32.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-656);\\goto 656 marks

celerate(4,32.5,27.5,1);\\decelerate from 32.5% to 27.5% power in 1 second

goToAbsolutePosition(-420);\\goto 420 marks

reverse(4);\\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,40);\\set all motors to 40% power

goFor(1);\\continue for 1 second

brake(4);\\brake all motors

goFor(7);\\idle for 7 seconds

reverse(4);\\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,32.5);\\set all motors to 32.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-339);\\goto 339 marks

celerate(4,32.5,27.5,1);\\decelerate from 32.5 to 27.5% power in 1 second

goToAbsolutePosition(-20);\\goto position 20

reverse(4);\\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,40);\\ set all motors to 40% power

goFor(1);\\go for 1 second

brake(4);\\brake all motors

goFor(7);\\ idle for 7 seconds

Performance Test 3


Same as PT2 due to mechanical problems with the arduino short circuiting.

Final Code

motorSpeed(4,27.5);\\set all motors to 27.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-200);\\goto 200 marks

motorSpeed(4,0);\\turn off al motors

goToAbsolutePosition(-385);\\goto 385 marks

reverse(4);\\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,30);\\set all motors to 30% power

goFor(1);\\go for 1 second

brake(4);\\brake all motors

goFor(8);\\idle for 8 seconds

reverse(4);\\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,27.5);\\set all motors to 27.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-620);\\goto 620 marks

motorSpeed(4,0);\\turn all motors off

goToAbsolutePosition(-805);\\goto 805 marks

reverse(4);\\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,30);\\ set all motors to 30% speed

goFor(1);\\go for 1 second

brake(4);\\brake all motors

goFor(5);\\idle for 5 seconds

motorSpeed(4,42.5);\\set all motors to 42.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-600);\\ goto 600 marks

motorSpeed(4,0);\\ turn off all motors

reverse(4);\\reverse all motors

goToAbsolutePosition(-450);\\goto 450 marks

goFor(1);\\go for 1 second

brake(4);\\brake all motors

goFor(8);\\idle for 8 seconds

reverse(4);\\ reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,42.5);\\set all motors to 42.5% power

goToAbsolutePosition(-180);\\goto 180 marks

motorSpeed(4,0);\\turn off all motors

goToAbsolutePosition(-30);\\goto 30 marks

reverse(4);\\reverse all motors

motorSpeed(4,42.5);\\set all motors to 42.5% power

goFor(1);\\go for 1 second

brake(4);\\brake all motors

goFor(7);\\ idle for 7 seconds