Milestone #2: M.O.U./Project Plan

white notepad with three pins

Client meeting minutes document.

Memorandum of understanding (MOU)

Reflection on the MOU Process:

Completion of the MOU was accomplished without difficulty. The client, Deb Irwin, and I had already decided on the initial goals and projected date for completion of the website. Through completion of the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threat (SWOT) analysis I had identified issues that might affect the project timeline. This process guided the writing of the timeline and deliverables document. Using my original project timeline, I was able to write the MOU. During my meeting with Dr. Correia on 3/4/2019, the MOU was revised to include the dates for preparation of presentation to client and preparation of presentation to advisor and second reader. The final MOU clearly addresses all of the deliverables and deadlines. Throughout this process, it has been a pleasure to work with Deb Irwin and Dr. Correia.