This is a synopsis of the revisions made to the website. A full description of the project timeline and edits to the project are at following links:
Project Timeline
Edits to Project
The production process began immediately after my pitch to Dr. Correia.
I had a website that started building in a course taught by Dr. Voithofer in the MLT program. I began to add instructional materials to the site in anticipation of the learner try-out.
A needs analysis was conducted to ensure that the initial goals would meet the needs of the nurses. To conduct the needs analysis a survey to determine the goals of participation was sent to the nurses that had expressed interest in participation in an online journal club. Five of those nurses responded to the survey. The results of the survey confirmed the goals would meet their needs.
I also met with the Martha Morehouse Professional Development workgroup. This workgroup consists of staff nurses from each clinical unit in the building. They agreed the goals that Deb and I had initially created would meet the needs of the nurses participating in the online journal club. The workgroup members also requested that I add a page to include information on OCN® certification and post a document they created describing the OCN® certification assistance they provide.
I continued making edits to the website adding additional tutorials and clarifying material.
I met with the Director of Professional Development for The James to obtain approval of the additional criteria I wrote to make the online version of journal club meet the requirements for clinical ladder application. These requirements were added to the clinical ladder page.
I met with the coordinator of the Continuing Education (CE) program for the James. At this meeting the prompts for journal club discussion were approved.
With the initial production of the website complete I began the learner try-out.
Try-out of Journal Club:
An introductory email with participation instructions was sent to the initial journal club members. The prompts for discussion were included in the email to the trial participants.
As a result of the try-out the following edits and additions were made:
- The tutorial that was intended to provide instruction on how to add the articles for the journal club was removed along with all the corresponding links.
- Feedback was received that the login link on the journal club page takes the participant to their dashboard from which they had to figure out how to navigate back to the journal club page. Step by step instructions were added to the journal club page on how to login and navigate back to the page.
- The discussion prompts were added to the journal club page eliminating the need to refer to the email for this information.
In addition to this, the instructions in the email requested that the participants refer to the clinical ladder page for response requirements. The participants asked that these requirements also be added to the journal club page.
The try-out also informed me that the nurses needed to be reminded how to lead a discussion and how to participate effectively. There are articles on the tutorial page that describe how to effectively lead or participate in an online chat. I added links to these articles with a reminder to review them onto the journal club page.
The lack of full participation by some of the members made it impossible to determine the amount of time required for journal club participation delaying the CE application process.
During this time period I met with Dr. Correia three times. At this time many aesthetic and functional changes were made to the website. Some of these changes were:
- Addition of a login link that takes nurses directly back to the discussion page.
- Making the OCN page a child page on the clinical ladder page.
- Addition of alt text to all images.
A second session of the journal club was completed. This session was very successful. The nurses provided feedback that the edits to the website made participation easier. They also commented that they reviewed the articles leading to improvement in quantity and quality of responses. A survey was sent to the nurses to verify that the website met their needs. The results of the survey demonstrated that their goals for participation were met. Also, as a result of the survey the journal club was approved for 1.5 CE hours.
Throughout this process no alteration to the production schedule was needed.