Columbus Faculty Roundtable 2025
Shame in the Academy? Muslim and Christian physicians discuss shame in the academic setting.
How might the academy have its own system of honor and shame? What are the implications of the experience of toxic shame for the life of a professor? How might one’s religious or non-religious perspectives relate to the experience of shame?
Our keynote presenters, Dr. Curt Thompson and Dr. Asma Mobin-Uddin, will address questions such as these as a start to table discussions.
February 7, 2025 – Noon – 1:30 PM
The Ohio State University Faculty Club
This year’s Faculty Roundtable promises to bring together people from various backgrounds and faiths along with those who do not consider themselves religious at all. The purpose is to connect with colleagues around a topic that we all have some experience with, shame in work and our lives and to explore pathways to emotional health.
Our main speakers will be Curt Thompson, MD a psychiatrist specializing in interpersonal neurobiology, author, and speaker and Asma Mobin-Uddin, MD, MA, FAAP, Director, Clinical Bioethics Consultation Service, Assistant Professor, Division of Bioethics at The Ohio State University and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
After the speakers “set the table” for the luncheon, the focus for the rest of our time together will be our conversations around the table over lunch. We understand that all may not be able to attend for the full time.
Make a reservation here and invite a colleague in your department to join you.
Columbus Faculty Roundtables are made possible by our sponsors. There is no cost to you to attend.
Background of Faculty Roundtables:
Faculty Roundtables began in 2002 and have since hosted thousands of faculty members a Harvard, MIT, Yale, Brown, and other universities. The goal is to foster cross-disciplinary community and dialogue among faculty that explores the intersection of current scholarship with various ethical, worldview, and religious or non-religious perspectives. The former Dean of Harvard College, Harry Lewis, commented that Roundtables are “the kind of night that should be the norm in academia — serious conversation among smart people about contested issues, with pretty much everyone who spoke and counter-spoke both witty and civil.”
Purpose and Program
This Columbus Faculty Roundtable is an invitation to a multi-disciplinary engagement in the sciences and the humanities for faculty in and around the city. As with all twenty Faculty Roundtables across the country, guests are seated at assigned tables, meant to bring a diversity of personal and professional views and experiences to each table.
Our interactions expect to spark innovative new approaches to a diverse set of academic questions and the larger lively questions of life. Ideally, conversations begun at our Faculty Roundtables will continue in classrooms, seminars, discussion groups, coffee shops, and with colleagues over lunch.
After the presentations we’ll enjoy the focus for our time together: lunch conversation at your table. Following the meal guests are invited to meet the presenters and further discussion over coffee and tea.
Space is limited. – Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Please make your reservation by January 28.
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