My philpapers site:
Selected Publications
“Entitlement to Reasons for Action,” in Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility v.4, Shoemaker, ed. 2017
“Intention, Expectation, and Promissory Obligation,” Ethics, 2016.
“Prediction, Authority, and Entitlement in Shared Activity,” Noûs 48:4, 2014
“Indispensability, the Discursive Dilemma, and Groups with Minds of their Own,” in From Individual to Collective Intentionality, Chant, Hindriks, and Preyer, eds. (Oxford University Press) 2014
“Team Reasoning and Shared Intention,” in Institutions, Emotions, and Group Agents, Ziv, Schmid, eds. (Springer), 2012
“The Necessity of ‘Necessity’: Hume’s Psychology of Sophisticated Causal Inference,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 41, 2011
“Shared Agency,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2010
“Shared Agency and Contralateral Commitments,” Philosophical Review 113:3, 2004
“Practical Intersubjectivity,” in Socializing Metaphysics – the Nature of Social Reality, F. Schmitt, ed., (Rowman & Littlefield), 2003
“What Was Hume’s Problem with Personal Identity?” Philosophy & Phenomenological Research 61:1, 2000
“The Self-Referentiality of Intentions,” Philosophical Studies 97:1, 2000
“Reasons Explanation of Action: Causal, Singular, and Situational”, Philosophy & Phenomenological Research 59:4, 1999
“Hume’s Psychology of Identity Ascriptions”, Hume Studies 22:2, 1996
Work in Progress
“Proprietary Reasons and Joint Action,” for Minimal Cooperation and Shared Agency, A. Fiebich, ed.
“Collective Responsibility and Entitlement to Reasons for Action,” for Routledge Handbook for Collective Responsibility, S. Bazargan-Forward and D. Tollefsen, eds.
“The Practical Significance of Collective Reasons for Individual Agents”
“Directed Duty, Practical Intimacy, and Legal Wronging” for Collective Action and the Law, C. Valentini & T. Marques, eds.
“Agency and Time,” for Time in Action, C. Bagnoli, ed.
“Properly Epistemic Reasons for Trust in Testimony”
“The Psychology and ‘Language’ of Identity in Hume’s Treatise: Unity, Number, or Something in Between?”
“Power and Desire: Hume on the Source of Our Idea of Necessary Connection”