Sphinx Plaza




Sphinx Plaza is hidden in a corner of the Oval, behind the looming shadow of Thompson Library. You can only truly see it if you know what you’re looking for; so many other people tend to walk past this alcove, but it has become a haven to me.

My sister was in the 106th class of Sphinx, a senior honorary dedicated to scholarship, leadership, and service. My sister is far and away one of my biggest role models, and as a preteen who couldn’t even fathom the concept of applying to college, I was inspired by her time in Sphinx. I made it my mission to eventually join the honorary, and make as much a difference at Ohio State as she did during her time as a student.

Sphinx is the shining beacon at the end of the tunnel, one of the many things I am working towards that motivates me to keep going when I only want to give up.

Not only does Sphinx motivate me, but it acts as a shelter for me, a way to escape when I am overwhelmed. More often than not, you can find me at Sphinx Plaza, doing homework or taking a break in between classes. It is one of my favorite places on campus, and sitting by the names of all the individuals who have been changed by being in the honorary inspires me.

“If they could do it, so can I.”

Who knows where I’ll be in four years, if I will still want to be in Sphinx 113 or if my priorities will change to better reflect who I will become. Regardless, I will be eternally grateful for the small respite that Sphinx Plaza provides me, how it both shelters me when I feel like giving up, and how it pushes me to be the best version of myself and make an impact on campus.