Year in Review

My first year at Ohio State (though cut short) was an amazing experience.  For the first time, I was truly “on my own”, with all the freedoms and responsibilities that brings.  I think one area that I grew in more than others was learning about myself as a student, and understanding how I learn best.  I have learned (through unfortunate circumstances, but it’s valuable information nonetheless) that I am not very much of an online learner.  I do much better with face-to-face interaction with my instructors.  That is absolutely something I can keep in mind for scheduling future classes, but also for my life in general: I know that if I don’t understand a direction given to me through email or something else, I should follow up in person to clarify.  I have also learned about my study habits and how I best prepare for class.  While I am able to work in groups very well, I find that when studying for a big assignment I do better on my own.  That way, I feel that I can go my own pace, and I don’t have to worry about being too distracted to help those around me.  I have also learned that I am actually ok about studying in my room.  I know that for some students, they need to leave their room and get a change of scenery for their studying to be effective.  While I sometimes like studying in the library to change it up, I find that I am actually very productive in my own space as well.

Though I’m a little sad that my first year at OSU was cut short, I know based on how wonderful this year was that I have so much to look forward to in years to come!  I’ve made great new friends that I can’t wait to see back on campus in the fall, and I’m excited to return to Columbus and Ohio State to spend more time in those amazing places!

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