Service Engagement

I participate in Buckeyes for a Cause, where we make friendship bracelets for children with cancer. In addition to this I am a member of Camp Kesem, where we raise money to have a free week long summer camp for kids parents who have, has had, or has passed away with cancer. By doing this we create an atmosphere where they can just enjoy being a kid and be surrounded others who can understand and help them. I am also a volunteer through OSU’s Wexner Medical Center.

Leadership Development

I am the Academic Committee Lead on my Health Sciences Scholars Leadership cancel where I lead committee meetings and help plan events. I attend weekly meetings and help out on an end of the year event. I represent the program at Scholars days by presenting at meetings and acting as a representative at our Scholars program booth.

Academic Enrichment

I am in an academic pre-health sorority, Delta Omega Kappa, where we strive to help each other reach our professionally related goals. In addition to this I attend many Pre-PT club events that give us information on applying to graduate school and overall information on the career.

Original Inquiry

I participate in research with physical therapists at Nationwide Children’s Hospital with children Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. I help with data processing and assist with video recording of strength and walking tests.

Global Awareness

I attended an Indian dance competition where I learned the different traditions of Indian Dance. Since I had taken dance in high school for four years I really enjoyed learning about a new kind of dance and how Indian traditions affected it. I attended an international school in the South of France when I was ten, where students who attended the school came from all over the world. I was the only student in my grade from the USA, so I got the chance to learn about many different cultures from hanging out with other peers. I was able to return to France between my freshman and sophomore year to visit old friends and family. I really enjoy being able to learn about other nationalities traditions and values.

Health and Wellness

I regularly run at the gym and participate in a weekly Zumba class at the RPAC. I am also preparing for a half marathon this coming may, and I ran the Cleveland half last summer.I also attended an event on how to eat healthier on campus this past fall.