Making Stuff Matters


I’ve been busy lately.

Busy closing the gap- making conversations matter, turning them into manifestations of future visions, road maps to be, while at the same time helping champion crazy ideas, skunk work projects that my gut says will be hugely fun and awesome, all the while participating with the team and making deals happen.

I know its working because my brain has been on fire lately with ideas, strategy, prototypes and goodness.

taste? of course..

Working on..

– software store, going well, working on intake for that

– deals done recently, kinect telehealth rehab startup, foreign language assistance edu startup, mouse lab management on an ipad startup,

– deals in the making, greenhouse management software, more healthcare EMR tools, seriously kickass wound management platform, more and more software, cyber security, math education, oncology tools, UAV for AG, etc

– prototypes, a few patient experience/satisfaction apps, dermatology inventory management platform, outbreak simulation tools, patient discharge app,

– student developers are rocking along side our main dev Paul, who is leading/managing well

– new design intern is KICKING ASS and that is great!! storyboard/ideations are happening VERY fast, me like!

– special projects, best part of the job really, DREAM and help envision next

inspired by?

– lately inspired by new conversations with Pelotonia, James Cancer Center folks, healthcare is evolving at a RAPID pace, so much goodness to come!

– inspired with the level output on storyboards to prototypes, feeling good about them helping the “deal” side of things

– special projects, DAFNi in particular which I’ll ramble about some day

– events/judging/speaking, a few engagements lined up, across the board from the usual startup to wellness events, to other

– music, tunes have been in my head lately, along with rich visual dreams

– new engagements with College of Arts & Sciences, finding some great momentum there

– working up the HACK scene across campus, more on that soon

– thinking, tweeting, CREATING, and writing alot

what’s next?

– continued momentum, double downing on the SPEED of connective goodness

– special projects become more and more SWEET with every iteration of code

– sharing the kudos/inspiration with my team and SHOP devs

– ramping up the tale of success and FAILs so we can collectively learn how to rock on

– working on the intake for software ideas, sure I have “enough” to work on, but I know i don’t see 70% of whats happening on campus, you see something that you think COULD be next, tell me, we have a mission people, make this university BAD ASS!




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