
Global Awareness: I plan to expand my knowledge of other cultures and world view by hopefully spending time studying abroad over the summer or by going on a medical service trip to a foreign country. There are neuroscience programs in both Copenhagen and Stockholm, Denmark that would be an amazing opportunity to experience a complete new cultural immersion while also completing course work for my major. I am also interested in doing a service trip to a foreign country that may not be as advanced medically as we are in the States. I think that would give me a chance to really interact with people native to a culture other than my own while also getting a chance to practice medicine, an area I am very passionate about and believe everyone should have the  right to receive.

Original Inquiry: Since Ohio State is a research institution, I plan to take advantage of the knowledge and opportunities of the researchers working at the front of their fields. I hope to work with a researcher who is working in the field of neuroscience or psychology in order to gain expertise and discover new things. Working with researchers will allow me to experience the creative process involved in having a question about the world and developing a process to answer that question and apply that knowledge to answer and enrich my own thoughts and ideas.

Academic Enrichment: By following an Honors track, the courses I will be taking will really help to expand my academic knowledge. Within my major, I will be taking many upper division courses about the brain and how it is influenced by various things and will also be taking courses at The Ohio State University Medical School during my senior year. The opportunity to take courses at a graduate level with students further in their academic careers then me will really push me to expand my knowledge and understand my interests at a deeper level. I will also be taking a few honors and upper level general education courses that will push me to learn more intensely about other areas of study.

Leadership Development: I am aiming to develop myself as a leader through gaining experience as an ambassador and as an executive board member of various student organizations. I would really like to become a Wellness ambassador and/or a Sexual Civility and Empowerment ambassador. These positions will aid me in learning how to educate and help others in topics I am passionate about. I also hope to be on the executive board of a few organizations including Active Minds and a service fraternity in the future. Helping to make decisions about the direction of a club and interacting with others to make events possible will help me to gain people and leadership skills.

Service Engagement: As an aspiring medical doctor, I have always had a passion for helping others and it is my goal to continue this throughout my collegiate career. I have started volunteering as a dog walker at a local shelter and adoption center and plan on eventually helping to raise and train service dogs. These dogs will go on to help make the lives of people suffering from disabilities much easier and hopefully bring joy to them as well. Additionally, I will be volunteering at hospitals to make the visit of any patient as seamless and positive as possible. I am excited to do what I can, whether it is offering support patients and their friends or family, writing charts and answering calls or aiding the nurses, in a busy and intense medical center to help make often difficult experiences even a little easier. The various student organizations I am interested in also have local outreach components and I am excited to help the community around me in various places with a cool group of people.