Platform Providers

The first step in the commodity chain are the Platform Providers.These providers are the big companies whose name goes on the system.Today three major companies provide consoles to the consumers.These companies are Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo. Each of these companies have a main console that is the subject of the majority of their marketing and what most of the current generation of games are made for. Microsoft’s newest console is the Xbox One, Sony has the PS4, and Nintendo has the Wii U.These companies are the ones that have the ideas for the console and bring together components from the other steps. Each of these companies are responsible for presenting their consoles to the consumers and also are the ones that interact with them. Of these three companies Nintendo was the first to release a console and is considered one of the companies responsible for bringing video games into the state that they are today. Nintendo’s first system was the NES which was released in 1985. Following the NES Nintendo has released 5 other game systems which are the SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, and most recently the Wii U(Nintendo). Sony was the next to release a system with the Playstation being released in 1995 with the PS2, PS3, and currently the PS4 following the initial system(PlayStation). Microsoft was the final to release a console with the original XBOX coming out in 2001 followed by the XBOX 360, and the XBOX One in the current generation (Gross). With each of these companies improving their consoles with each iteration different strategies have emerged to sell the platforms. Microsoft and Sony use the same type of strategy offering many third party titles with a few first party games.Nintendo on the other hand uses another strategy which is offering many First party games with few third games. Analyzing these strategies as a consumer Microsoft and Sony’s strategy seems to work better as Nintendo console sales are going down since they can’t get certain games on the console.These three companies provide the platforms for developers to make games and apps that allow people to use the consoles.


Works Cited

Gross, Patrick. “Ten Years of Xbox: A Brief History.” TechRadar. N.p., 15 Nov. 2011. Web. 20 April 2015.

“Nintendo.” Nintendo. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 April 2015.

“PlayStation® Story | About | Corporate – SCEA PlayStation® History.” PlayStation RSS. N.p., n.d.    Web. 20 April 2015.

2 thoughts on “Platform Providers

  1. Thanks a lot for the post. I agree that Microsoft and other guys are the best in providing gaming platforms software. But right now I am looking for something that I can install on my iOS phone. Do you know any good gaming app?

  2. Not sure what gaming app you mean. But I must admit, I’m usually the first to eye-roll at any ‘earn money online’ project reviews. Seen them all, tried a few, regretted most. But later I found Dream 99 and this website changed my mind. That was a different story. A friend, as optimistic as he is, wouldn’t stop chatting about it. So, I registered, expecting the usual disappointment. Imagine my shock when it wasn’t all talk! The platform’s legit, offering engaging games with the bonus of earning cash. Gosh, my friend is a genius!

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