Not If, But When – Facing Cyber Risk in the Digital Age

minton bernadette 130x195By Professor Bernadette A. Minton
Academic Director, The Risk Institute
Arthur E. Shepard Endowed Professor in Insurance
The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business 


When the World Wide Web was invented nearly thirty years ago, the concept of what today’s cyber landscape would look like was little more than science fiction. Rapid advances in technology coupled with the growth of the Internet have revolutionized the way businesses and individuals interact. Integrated networks are allowing organizations to access, analyze, use and share information more easily than ever before. The composition of firms in the global economy is changing from organizations producing primarily material goods to those creating intangible assets relying on technology and intellectual property.

Yet, as the global economy becomes increasingly Internet-connected,  organizations, while reaping the potential benefits, are simultaneously exposed Internet_map_1024_-_transparent,_invertedto an increasing array of known and unknown cyber threats. Not a day goes by without the news of another cyber attack taking place at another organization. The conventional wisdom is not “if a cyber breach will happen” but “when will it happen.”

In the upcoming Risk Institute Executive Education Risk Series, we kick off the 2015-16 academic year with a discussion on the evolving environment of cyber threats.  Our session leaders from Battelle, EY and Aon will collaborate to provide executives with insights into how to:

  • Embrace a systematic approach to understanding the evolving cyber landscape and assess the various cyber threats facing the organization
  • Develop an integrated and enterprise-wide approach to consistently assess the organization’s vulnerabilities to cyber threats
  • Proactively quantify their organization’s cyber exposure and apply potential risk management and insurance solutions to help insulate the exposure
  • Apply current findings of research on cyber vulnerability to the products and services

Overall, the half-day session will emphasize the importance of balancing the power of cyber ecosystems with the associated risks to create organizational value.

To learn more or to register, please visit the Risk Series page.