The Risk Institute is proud of the annual conference topics we have hosted over the past few years. We have always sought to highlight wider Enterprise Risk issues that are currently facing our community and membership. That said, our topic chosen for the 2020 Annual Conference, GeoPolitical Risk is one that will influence and shape our future in multiple ways. By definition, the traditional conversation about GeoPolitical Risk centers around how geography and economics influence politics and relations between countries. These are all true statements, but the world in the 21st Century, and as such, GeoPolitical Risk, is so much more complicated. We are now in the midst of a global pandemic, that in many ways is shaping how we as citizens of the world respond, to the greatest crisis faced in the last 100 years.
As we think of Geopolitical Risk in the 21st Century, so many things come to mind. Topics like US/China decoupling, Cyber Risk and the Repercussions of the Digital Age, Changing Global Order, and Geopolitical Consequences of Migration are but a few examples of GeoPolitical Risk facing society.
Our sessions during these two days will seek to explore these and many more GeoPolitical Risks our world faces. We are very fortunate to be able to bring a true global representation of experts, that will approach the topic from an Academic, Political and Business perspective. We are confident The Risk Institute will be able to provide a much deeper understanding of the topic when considering the varied perspectives of our world class line up of experts.
For details and registration for the Annual Conference, click here.