Executive Education Series:
On September 10, 2014, Dr. Keely Croxton, Associate Professor of Logistics at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business will be leading a session on supply chain resilience. This three and a half hour session will focus on the identification, measurement and management of supply chain risks and be a great opportunity for firms at all stages of development in the risk management spectrum. This exec ed session costs $495 and is geared toward senior executives and business unit leaders charged with driving growth and creating value while managing risk.
Morning Briefing Series:
On September 30, 2014, Dr. Zahn Bozanic, Assistant Professor of Accounting at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business, will discuss how “big data” is being used to help facilitate regulatory compliance of firms’ external financial reports. This research has been featured in Forbes and CFO.com.
The Risk Institute Launch Event and Conference:
On October 22-23, the Risk Institute will be hosting it’s launch event and conference where several leading academic and practitioners will be taking the ‘conversation about risk’ to the next level and examining a variety of aspects that relate to all aspects of risk management. This cross functional event will cover aspects including financial, reputational, supply chain, cyber security, regulatory and more.