Tips for Finishing an Engineering Education Dissertation

When 2020 started, the first thing on my to-do list was “finish dissertation”. However, it was also a very overwhelming task! I learned that finishing a dissertation is like eating an elephant – one bite at a time. Here are some tips I learned for the final few months of a dissertation.

First, find what motivates you so you can keep going. For me, I kept telling myself that if I stopped moving forward or took a break, I would not graduate. So graduating was my key motivator.

Second, you do not need to write your document in order! Start with the chapters or sections that you already have written in other ways. This may be conference papers, your dissertation proposal, or papers for prior classes. You can repurpose our work to fit into the dissertation document structure. And it will feel good to see the pages starting to add up!

Third, keep detailed notes and write memos throughout your dissertation process, especially during the data collection and analysis phases. You can use these notes and memos to start writing more sections of your document. And help you remember everything you did!

Fourth, remember that you are not alone! There is a wealth of expertise in your research group, advisor, and committee who are there to help and support you. They can provide feedback on your analysis, results, and chapters. You can even practice your presentation for your defense! Do not be afraid to ask for help.

Fifth, take a step back and reflect on everything you have accomplished. When you are in the weeds of writing your document, it is easy to forget everything you have done over the last few years. And that your document is the accumulation and icing on the cake.

While writing a dissertation document is daunting, the end is in sight! Find a motivator and utilize the people and resources around you. Just take it a day at a time until one day when you will realize that you have finished your dissertation.