The Ohio State University
The Origins of Totalitarianism Part I - Anti-Semitism (Hannah Arendt)

Origins of Totalitarianism I – Anti-Semitism   Summary: Arendt claims that Anti-Semitism emerged primarily in the 19th century as part of the transformation of monarchies into nation-states. Monarchies had leaned upon wealthy Jewish creditors (In Austria – the Rothschilds) who…

German Stamp from 2006 featuring Hannah Arendt (Wikicommons)   After working through the Reader, Hannah Arendt and Denial…the question arises as to the complexity of the argument made by Arendt when she called Eichmann a nobody and the greatest evils…

Hi and welcome to my page. Here you’ll find a collection of previous work and an occassional blog update on current projects and events I’m involved in. If you’d like to contact me for translation, interpretation or presentations – please…