Year in Review

This past school year has offered me many things; new friends, a new lifestyle, the beginning of my higher education career, and so much more.  From the unreal football atmosphere to the borderline panic attacks from midterms, the first year is full of events that I know I will never forget.  It should be easy to talk about all of the individual people and events that are new and exciting, but as I sit here typing this I can’t finalize on one phenomenal story that altered me.  Instead, I can only see my first year as a giant culmination.  My first year is a miscellaneous assortment of events that I did not and could not have seen entering college; but now I know I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

This hodgepodge of strange and obscure people and unfamiliar events made me extremely uncomfortable, yet as time passed I began to gain something I didn’t expect; insight.  I was surrounded by all of these new people, in a new place, where I was doing new things.  Needless to say I was terrified.  As time passed though these things became routine and normal.  No matter how different or strange they seemed at first, it was becoming comfortable.  That miscellaneous, obscure blob of memory that is my first year at Ohio State has enabled me a wider world view.  The culmination of all of these memories of The Ohio State as a community has broadened my view of people and even allowed  me to be more comfortable with myself.