Better writing

Some of our meetings will focus on science writing and editing. There are two resources I always recommend for better science writing. The first is On Writing Well by William Zinsser. The second is the essay Politics and the English Language by George Orwell. The lessons on writing in the Orwell essay are not limited to political discourse. He includes a list of 6 fundamental rules that are widely applicable. Politics_&_English_language

Tuesday Dec 3, 2019 at Noon in BRT 1024

The retrovirology journal club is an informal meeting to discuss retrovirology papers.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, December 3 at 12:00 in BRT 1024. Bring your lunch!

We will be discussing Wilson et al 2019 “Retroviral integration into nucleosomes through DNA looping and sliding along the histone octamer” Nature Communications 10:4189 120319Wilson

The pdf includes the supplementary information and peer review notes. A supplemental movie is associated with the manuscript.



The Retrovirology Journal Club will now meet on the second and fourth Monday of every month in BRT 1024.

We hope to see you there!

August 16, 2017 in BRT 134

The next Retrovirology Journal Club is Wednesday, August 16 at 5:00 pm in BRT 134.

Randi Mackler (Yoder lab) will be presenting.  0816retroJC

“Inactivation of porcine endogenous retrovirus in pigs using CRISPR-Cas9”
Niu et al 2017 Science10.1126/science.aan4187

The Retrovirology Journal Club meets on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Please volunteer for an upcoming date:

September 6

September 20

August 2, 2017 in BRT 134

The next Retrovirology Journal Club is Wednesday, August 2 at 5:00 pm in BRT 134.


Kristine Yoder will be presenting. 080217retroJC

“Hili inhibits HIV replication in activated T cells”
Peterlin et al 2017 Journal of Virology 91:e00237


The Retrovirology Journal Club meets on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Please volunteer for an upcoming date:

August 16

September 6

July 19, 2017 in BRT 134

The next Retrovirology Journal Club is Wednesday, July 19 at 5:00 pm in BRT 134.

Donn Calkins (Yoder lab) will be presenting. 071917retroJC

“Fusion stage of HIV-1 entry depends on virus-induced cell surface exposure of phosphatidylserine”
Zaitseva et al 2017 Cell Host & Microbe 22:99-110


The Retrovirology Journal Club meets on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Please volunteer for an upcoming date:

August 2
August 16

July 5, 2017 in BRT 134

The next Retrovirology Journal Club is Wednesday, July 5 at 5:00 pm in BRT 134.

Kristine Yoder will be presenting. 070517RetroJC

“Directed evolution of a recombinase that excises the provirus of most HIV-1 primary isolates with high specificity”
Karpinski et al 2016 Nature Biotechnology 34:401

The Retrovirology Journal Club meets on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Please volunteer for an upcoming date:

July 19

August 2