Elaine Buss

Elaine Buss: Enclave

Campbell Courtyard Entrance: 1787 Neil Avenue, Columbus OH 43210

On view: August 22nd, 3:45-7 pm

The interior separates us from the exterior world. The chaos of individuals extending their paths forward towards respective destinations is a daily encumbrance we offer to each other. Still, interior spaces are not all the same. Some belong to the outside world, full of pathways and perpetual activity. Some belong to themselves, a space in which we stay. Some interior spaces belong to all of us and none of us.
A recent journey to Rome, Italy carried with it the intention to experience the interiors of sacred spaces built across a vast history. Within these spaces, the light moves and dances while individuals taking reprieve or meditation are still. Candles flicker, offering a warm bath of light. Sometimes sunlight fills space or leaves the origin of its window entrance announced on the opposite wall. This window shape in the form of light moves across the floor and up the wall as the sun takes its daily path. The sunlight gives evidence of the outside spilling in, but somehow the interior of these sacred spaces live separately, in time and in pace.