Dates + Times

The reception for Relative to You is from 3:45-7 pm on Monday, August 22nd, 2016. It is a walking and shuttle tour of artwork at 9 sites around campus.

The roaming reception will begin on foot at Hopkins hall at 128 Oval Mall N, Columbus OH, 43210. (See the map for more information.)

The tour will be divided into two groups beginning at 3:45 pm and at 4:00 pm.

Wear your walking shoes, and please be on time!

At the 7th site, the Biological Sciences Greenhouse, two shuttle buses will be available to transport the tour groups to the remaining sites. The tour will end at Sherman Studio Art Center, 1055 Carmack Rd., Columbus, OH 43210.

The 11 artworks will be on display for varied durations depending on the site. Please refer to the calendar below for extended viewing opportunities. (Click to view larger.)


If you are unable to attend the roaming reception, use the guide above to see artworks on your own.

If you would like to participate in the reception but cannot make it to the beginning of the tour, use the schedule below to estimate where you should go to link up with one of the groups. The shuttles will not make duplicate trips during the tour, so arrive to your intended site early if you hope to catch a shuttle. (Click to view larger.)