For this project, we were instructed to explored the relationship between 2D shapes and 3D forms. Throughout this project, we made a variety of 3D forms and learned how to construct forms using Bristol paper, tacky glue, a precision knife, and a template(s) found on the internet. A goal I had for myself for this project was to improve my crafting skills from assignment two because I struggled with cutting straight lines and keeping my composition clean. Originally, I chose a snub cuboctahedron as my form which consists of 38 shapes (6 squares and 32 equilateral triangles). Unfortunately, with the time constraint of this project, I was unable to construct my best work making a 38 sided form so I changed my form to an octahedron (an eight sided form made up of eight equilateral triangles). For this project I chose to prioritize the design principle, contrast while making a surface illusion on my form.
Iteration and Production
Description: I chose to build a octahedron polyhedron for my final project due to both the simplicity and complexity of the form. The hardest thing with this form was to make sure every side matched up perfectly with little to no smudges.
Description: I chose option #2 which was using surface illusion to create an illusion of 3D surfaces using shapes, lines, shading, and mark making. The way I did this was by originally creating a circle in the middle of four of the eight triangles on the form. From there, I drew ¼ inch lines horizontally on the surface and colored in every other space. But, once it came to drawing in the circle, I had to then color in every space that did not line up with the triangles’ lines that I started with. The alternation of colored lines helped enhance the look that the circle is either popping out or into the 3D form itself.
This assignment was by far my most difficult project. I spent countless hours working through the construction of multiple shapes, having to change my form halfway through the assignment, and struggling to keep my composition neat. But, I also thrived in multiple areas throughout this project, including drawing the template (on both paper and online) and scoring my templates. For my original form, I did struggle on making the template on paper due to how many shapes I had to make and making sure the template would fit properly on the paper. But, with my final form, I did a great job making the template using my compass to make equilateral triangles. In addition, originally I struggled with scoring my templates because I would either push down too hard or too soft, but after a few tries, I knew the correct pressure I needed to put on my knife. My biggest struggles with this assignment was gluing, keeping my work clean, and picking a form and sticking with it. Gluing my form was difficult for me because glue gets messy very quickly and easily, which also caused more smudges/marks on my forms. I made sure to keep my work as clean as possible though. From this assignment, I’ve learned how complexity isn’t the solution to get a good grade. Getting a good grade is making improvements, participating, asking questions, and trying your best. In my future projects, I hope I can continue to improve on my craftsmanship.