Recently Funded Projects (last 5 years)
2020: Co-Principal Investigator: National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: Improving Process-Level Understanding of Surface-Atmosphere Interactions Leading to Convection Initiation in the Central United States (1/01/2021-12/31/2023, $243,199) (Award #: AGS-2032559).
2020: Principal Investigator: First Energy, Outage Volume Model (10/01/2020-08/31/2021, $106,800).
2020: Principal Investigator: American Electric Power, Storm Impact Modeling- Phase III (09/01/2020-08/31/2021, $106,800).
2020 Principal Investigator: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Developing an objective, impacts-based framework for drought mitigation in Ohio (06/26/20-08/31/21; $185,6333) (GRT00060185).
2020 Principal Investigator: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Developing National Soil Moisture Products to Improve Drought Monitoring, Phase 2 (08/01/20-08/31/21; $91,132) (GRT00060185).
2020: Principal Investigator: Alabama Power (Southern Company), Operation of HOPM/SIPM (08/01/20–08/01/21; $30,000).
2020 Principal Investigator: National Science Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Research: Relative Importance of Drivers of River Discharge and Prediction of Flow Regimes across the United States (06/15/20-11/30/21; $17,023) (NSF Award: BCS-2003248).
2019: Principal Investigator: Mettler-Toledo, Truck Scale Dynamic Weighing Analysis (12/15/2019-04/30/2020, $22,670).
2019: Principal Investigator: American Electrical Power, Storm Impact Modeling- Phase II (09/01/2019-08/31/2020, $408,127).
2019: Principal Investigator: First Energy, Outage Volume Model (10/23/2019-08/31/2020, $318,220).
2019: Senior Personnel: National Science Foundation, NRT-HDR: Convergent Graduate Training and EmPOWERment for a Sustainable Energy Future, with Ramteen Sioshansi (PI), Rajiv Ramnath, Elena G. Irwin, Matthew Mayhew, and Jeffrey M. Bielicki (09/01/2019-08/31/2024, $2,980,383) (NSF Award: DGE-1922666).
2019: Principal Investigator: Alabama Power (Southern Company), Implementation of HOPM/SIPM (02/01/19–08/01/20; $30,000).
2018: Principal Investigator: American Electrical Power, Storm Impact Modeling (06/15/2018-04/30/2019, $306,027).
2018: Co-Principal Investigator: The Risk Institute at The Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business, Modeling of Catastrophic Weather Losses to Support Risk Management for the Insurance Industry (6/1/2018-5/31/2020; $20,000).
2018: Principal Investigator: Guangdong Power, Typhoon Power Outage Modeling (02/01/2018-12/31/2018, $200,000).
2017: Co-Principal Investigator: NOAA MAPP, Improving the Drought Monitoring Capabilities of Land Surface Models by Integrating Bias-Corrected, Gridded Precipitation Estimates, with D. B. McRoberts (PI), J. Nielsen-Gammon, B. Zavadosky, J. Case, C. Peters-Liddard, and D. Mocko (09/01/2017-08/31/2020, $510,000).
2017: Co-Principal Investigator: NOAA MAPP, Developing National Soil Moisture Products to Improve Drought Monitoring, with T. Ford (PI), J. Lucido and M. Strobel (09/01/2017-08/31/2020, $499,249; Grant number: NA17OAR4310136).
2017: Principal Investigator: OSU Connect and Collaborate Grant, Improving Power Outage Prediction and Response through Community Partnerships (6/1/2017-5/31/2018; $20,000).
2017: Principal Investigator: The Risk Institute at The Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business, Improved Power Outage Modeling to Support Risk Management for Electrical Utilities (5/1/2017-4/30/2018; $20,000).
2016: Co-Principal Investigator: OSU Connect and Collaborate Grant, Connecting Climate and People to Improve Outcomes for Ohio and Beyond, with B. Mark (PI) (1/1/2017-12/31/2017; $45,000).
2016: Co-Principal Investigator: OSU Translational Data Analytics, Robust Agricultural Conservation in a Changing Climate: Supporting Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty, with M. Kalcic (PI) (1/1/2017-12/31/2017; $30,000).
2016: Principal Investigator: NASA, Investigating Soil Moisture-Convective Precipitation Feedbacks with Soil Moisture-Active Passive (8/17/2016-8/16/2019; $799,786; Grant number: NNX16AO97G).
2016: Co-Principal Investigator: Texas Water Development Board, Feasibility Study for Development of a Statewide Evapotranspiration Network; with J. Nielsen-Gammon (PI), Todd Caldwell and Guy Fipps. (08/1/2016-7/31/2017; $149,964).
2016: Co-Principal Investigator: DOE Grid Modernization Lab Call, Web Tool for Improved Electric Outage Forecasting for Response to Tropical Cyclone Events (4/1/2016-3/31/2017; $900,000).
Journal Articles (last 5 years)
97. Anderson, G. B., Ferreria, J., Al-Hamdan, M., Crosson, W., Schumacher, A., Guikema, S., Quiring, S., Eddelbuette, D., Yana, M. and R. D. Peng (2020) Assessing United States county-level exposure for research on tropical cyclones and human health. Environmental Health Perspectives, 128 (10): CID: 107009.
96. Ford, T. W., Quiring, S. M., Zhao, C., Leasor, Z. T., and C. Landry (2020) Statistical Evaluation of In Situ Soil Moisture Observations from 1,200+ Stations as part of the U.S. National Soil Moisture Network. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21 (11): 2537–2549.
- Yuan, S., Quiring, S. M. and C. Zhao (2020) Evaluation of Drought Indices as Soil Moisture Proxies in the Southern U.S. Great Plains. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21 (9): 2157–2175. doi:
- Wongso, E., Nateghi, R., Zaitchik, B., Quiring, S. M. and R. Kumar (2020) Leveraging statistical learning theory to characterize the U.S. water consumption. Water Resources Research, 56: e2019WR024894.
- Tian, L., Leasor, Z. and S. M. Quiring (2020) Developing a new drought index: Precipitation Evapotranspiration Difference Condition Index. Climate Risk Management. 29: 100238.
- Yuan, S., Quiring, S. M., Kalcic, M. M., Postel, A. M., Evenson, G. R., and H. A. Kujawa (2020) Optimizing climate model selection for hydrological modeling: a case study in the Maumee River Basin using SWAT. Journal of Hydrology, 588: 125064.
- Leasor, Z. T., Quiring, S. M. and M. D. Svoboda (2020) Utilizing Objective Drought Severity Thresholds to Improve Drought Monitoring. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59: 455–475.
- Zhao, C., Quiring, S. M., Yuan, S., McRoberts, D. B., Zhang, N. and Z. Leasor (2020) Developing and Evaluating National Soil Moisture Percentile Maps. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 84: 443-460.
- Yuan, S., Wang, Y., Quiring, S. M., Ford, T. W. and A. L. Houston (2020) A sensitivity study on the response of convective initiation to in situ soil moisture in the central United States. Climate Dynamics, 54: 2013–2028.
- Yuan, S., Quiring, S. M., Zhu, L., Huang, Y. and J. Wang (2020) Development of a Typhoon Power Outage Model in Guangdong, China. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems: 117: 105711.
- Zhang, N., Li, Z., Zou, X. and S. M. Quiring (2019) Comparison of three short-term load forecast models in Southern California. Energy: 119: 116358.
- Vicente-Serrano, S., Quiring, S. M., Peña-Gallardo, M., Yuan, S. and F. Domínguez-Castro (2020) A review of environmental droughts: Increased risk under global warming? Earth-Science Reviews: 201: 102953.
- D’Amico, D. F., Quiring, S. M., Maderia, C. M. and D. B. McRoberts (2019) Improving the Hurricane Outage Prediction Model by Including Tree Species. Climate Risk Management: 25: 100193.
- Tavakol, A., Rahmani, V., Quiring, S. M. and S. V. Kumar (2019) Validation analysis of NASA SMAP and SPoRT-LIS soil moisture data in the United States. Remote Sensing of Environment: 229: 234-246.
- Kabir, E., Guikema, S. D. and S. M. Quiring (2019) Probabilistic Mixture Models for Predicting Thunderstorm-Induced Power Outages. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: 34: 4370 – 4381. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2914214
- Ford, T. W. and S. M. Quiring (2019) Comparison of contemporary in situ, model, and satellite remote sensing soil moisture with a focus on drought monitoring. Water Resources Research, 55: 1565-1582. DOI: 10.1029/2018WR024039
- Li, Z., Li, X., Wang, Y. and S. M. Quiring (2019) Impact of climate change on precipitation patterns in Houston, Texas USA. Anthropocene: 25: 100193.
- Tian, L., and S. M. Quiring (2019) Spatial and temporal patterns of drought in Oklahoma (1901 to 2014). International Journal of Climatology: 39: 3365–3378.
- Krueger, E. S., Ochsner, T. E., and S. M. Quiring (2019) Development and evaluation of soil moisture-based indices for agricultural drought monitoring. Agronomy Journal: 111: 1-15. https://doi:10.2134/agronj2018.09.0558
- Leasor, Z., Quiring, S. M., T. W. Ford and D. B. McRoberts (2019) Spatiotemporal variations of temperature persistence in the South-Central U.S. Climate Research, 77: 181-192.
- Shashanni, S., Guikema, S. D., Zhai, C., Pino, J. V. and S. M. Quiring (2018) Multi-stage prediction for zero-inflated hurricane induced power outages. IEEE Access, 6: 62432-62449. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2877078
- Peña-Gallardo, M., Vicente-Serrano, S., Quiring, S. M., Svoboda, M., Hannaford, J., Tomas-Burguera, M., Martin-Hernandez, N., Domínguez-Castro, F., El Kenawy, A. (2019) Response of crop yield to different time-scales of drought in the United States: spatio-temporal patterns and climatic and environmental drivers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 264: 40-55.
- Berke P., Olivera F., Quiring, S. M. and J. A. Horney (2018) Addressing Challenges to Building Resilience through Interdisciplinary Research and Engagement Risk Analysis. DOI: 10.1111/risa.13202
- Ford, T. W., Quiring, S. M., Thakur, B., Jogineedi, R., Houston, A., Yuan, S., Kalra, A. and N. Lock (2018) Evaluating Soil Moisture-Precipitation Interactions Using Remote Sensing: A Sensitivity Analysis. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 19: 1237–1253.
- Peña-Gallardo, M., Vicente-Serrano, S., Domínguez-Castro, F., Quiring, S. M., Svoboda, M., Hannaford, J., Tomas-Burguera, M., Martin-Hernandez, N., and A. El (2018) Analysis of the performance of drought indices to identify drought impacts in different crops over United States. Climate Research. 75: 221-240.
- Tian, L., Yuan, S. and S. M. Quiring (2018) Evaluation of six indices for monitoring agricultural drought in the south-central United States. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 249: 107-119.
71. Zhang, N., Zhao, C., Quiring, S. M. and J. Lin (2017) Winter wheat yield prediction based on NDVI and agro-climate parameters in Oklahoma. Agronomy Journal, 109: 2700–2713. doi:10.2134/agronj2017.03.0133
70. Zhang, N., Quiring, S. M., Ochsner, T. and T. W. Ford (2017) Comparison of Three Methods for Vertical Extrapolation of Soil Moisture in Oklahoma. Vadose Zone, 16(10): doi:10.2136/vzj2017.04.0085
- Zhu, L. and S. M. Quiring (2017) Developing a new extraction method for long-term tropical cyclone precipitation from daily rain gauges. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18: 2559–2576.
- Krueger, E. S., Ochsner, T. E., Quiring, S. M., Engle, D. M., Carlson, J.D., Twidwell, D. and S. D. Fuhlendorf (2017) Measured soil moisture is a better predictor of large growing-season wildfires than Keetch-Byram Drought Index. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 81: 490–502. doi:10.2136/sssaj2017.01.0003
- Yuan, S. and S. M. Quiring (2017) Evaluation of soil moisture in CMIP5 simulations over contiguous United States using in situ and satellite observations. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 21: 2203–2218. doi:10.5194/hess-21-2203-2017
- Tian, L., Leasor, Z. and S. M. Quiring (2017) Potential to improve precipitation forecasts in Texas through incorporation of multiple teleconnections. International Journal of Climatology, 37: 3863–3872. doi:10.1002/joc.4960
- McRoberts, D. B., Guikema, S. D. and S. M. Quiring (2018) Improving hurricane power outage risk models through the inclusion of environmental factors. Risk Analysis, 38: 2722-2737. DOI:10.1111/risa.12728
- Ford, T. W., Wang, Q. and S. M. Quiring (2016) The observation record length necessary to generate robust soil moisture percentiles. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 55: 2131-2149. DOI:10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0143.1
- Ford, T. W., Quiring, S. M. and O. Frauenfeld (2017) Multi-decadal variability of soil moisture-temperature coupling over the contiguous United States modulated by Pacific and Atlantic sea surface temperatures. International Journal of Climatology, 37: 1400–1415. DOI: 10.1002/joc.4785
- Yuan, S. and S. M. Quiring (2017) Comparison of three methods of interpolating soil moisture in Oklahoma. International Journal of Climatology, 37: 987–997. DOI: 10.1002/joc.4754
- Yuan, S., Quiring, S. M., and S. Patil (2016) Spatial and temporal variations in the accuracy of meteorological drought indices. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, 42: 167-183. DOI: 10.18172/cig.2916
- Dirmeyer, P. A., Wu, J., Norton, H. E., Dorigo, W. A., Quiring, S. M., Ford, T. W., Santanello Jr., J. A., Bosilovich, M. G., Ek, M. B., Koster, R. D., Balsamo, G. and D. M. Lawrence (2016) Confronting weather and climate models with observational data from soil moisture networks over the United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 17: 1049-1067. doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-15-0196.1
- Teale, N. G., Quiring, S. M. and T. W. Ford (2017) Association of synoptic-scale atmospheric patterns with flash flooding in watersheds of the New York City water supply system. International Journal of Climatology, 37: 358–370. DOI: 10.1002/joc.4709
- Quiring S. M., Ford T. W., Wang J. K., Khong A., Harris E., Lindgren T., Goldberg D. W., Li Z. (2016) North American Soil Moisture Database: Development and Applications. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97:1441–1459, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00263.1
- Tonn, G., Guikema, S., Ferreira, C. and S. M. Quiring (2016) A longitudinal analysis of the drivers of power outages during hurricanes: A case study with Hurricane Isaac. Risk Analysis, 36: 1936-1947. DOI: 10.1111/risa.12552