Related Programs

Andean Music Ensemble

Explore Andean language and culture through music! No prerequisite and no previous musical experience is required. Learn to play new and unique instruments and musical styles in this hands-on class.

Andean & Amazonian Studies Minor

This interdisciplinary minor explores the culture, history, politics, economics, and language of a vast region of South America spanning nine countries with climates ranging from tropical rainforests to highland glaciers and a diverse population of over 70 million. Quechua 5503 and up counts toward the minor.

FLAS Fellowships

Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships are available for Quechua students for the summer or academic year, and they help cover students’ tuition and living costs.

Pachaysana, Rehearsing Change study abroad in Ecuador

A unique performance-based study abroad program in Ecuador focused on storytelling, theater, identity, community, and sustainability. You can complete most of the Andean & Amazonian Studies minor in this program.

K’acha Willaykuna: Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Arts and Humanities Collaboration

This Discovery Theme initiative focuses on indigenous arts and humanities through working groups, indigenous artist and artisan residencies, research and teaching, and events. Be sure to sign up for the email listserv to stay up-to-date with events and opportunities throughout the year!

OSU Global Education

OSU offers a wide range of study abroad programs all over the world. Check out their site to learn about study abroad opportunities in the Andes.

Consortium of Latin American Studies Programs (CLASP)

Interested in learning an Indigenous language such as Quechua while studying abroad in Latin America? Check out CLASP’s list of Indigenous language summer programs.

Symposium on Indigenous Languages and Cultures (ILCLA)

ILCLA brings together Indigenous leaders, instructors, scholars, and community activists from around the world for a virtual forum on the Indigenous languages and cultures of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Ohio Latin Americanist Conference (OLAC)

The annual Ohio Latin Americanist Confernece brings together scholars of Latin American languages and cultures from all over Ohio.