Michael Browne’s Software


A Zip archive containing each program and an associated user’s guide may be downloaded. After downloading, the contents of the archive should be extracted to a specified directory using a utility such as WinZip. This is distributed as shareware and may be downloaded from http://www.winzip.com.

CEFApak (1,232,006 bytes) – Comprehensive Exploratory Factor Analysis. A Windows program for estimating factor loadings, rotating factor matrices orthogonally or obliquely and calculating standard errors of rotated factor loadings and factor correlations.
Version 3.04 of CEFA is currently available. In this version the interface to CEFAtool has been written in JAVA, standard errors for OLS have been provided and a number of revisions have been made.


DyFApak (1,537,330 bytes) – Dynamic Factor Analysis. DyFA is a DOS program for carrying out exploratory or confirmatory factor analyses of lagged correlation matrices. It may be called from Windows Explorer and operated under Windows. A multivariate autoregressive time series with moving average residuals is assumed for common factors. DyFA is suitable for analyzing Cattell P-Technique data. Version 2.04 of DyFA is now available.


DyFABootstrap (1,097,366 bytes) – A special version of DyFA that will produce standard errors of parameter estimates in dynamic factor analysis. The bootstrap approach is employed.


CIRCUML – Analysis of Circumplex Correlation Matrices. A DOS program implementing the methods described in Browne (1992) – revised for Windows 7


CORANA21 (553,172 bytes) – Correspondence Analysis. A program to be run from the DOS prompt in Windows 95, 98, or NT for conducting simple and joint correspondence analysis (1999).


MUTMUM (303,987 bytes) – Analysis of Multitrait-Multimethod Matrices. A DOS program implementing the methods described in Browne (1984a)


FITMOD/CONFID ( 479,927 bytes) – FITMOD is a computer program for calculating point and interval estimates of fit measures. CONFID is a computer program for calculating approximate confidence intervals on bounded parameters.


FPDE (5,845,022 bytes) – Filtered Polynomial Density Estimation. This program requires (i) a sample from some unknown univariate distribution and (ii) the choice of a “target” distribution (e.g. Normal, Beta, Gamma). The program then provides coefficient estimates for (close) algebraic approximations to (a) the unknown density function and (b) the unknown cumulative distribution function as well as (c) a transformation (e.g. normalization) from the unknown data distribution to the target. This program was written by Dominik Heinzmann (2005).


PAQS (1,490,944 bytes) – Profile Analysis of Q-Sorts. PAQS is a DOS program for analyzing subject profiles obtained using Q-sorts. It may be called from Windows Explorer and operated under Windows. The approach used is related to the traditional Q-methodology of William Stephenson but differs conceptually and computationally in that the emphasis is on Q-sort data profiles and no inter-person correlation matrix is involved. (New).