
See also: Publications by Research Topic Patents Google Scholar Citations


D. Sanchez Rosales, R. D. Cochran, S. D. Isaac, P. G. Kwiat, D. J. Gauthier, ‘A Quantum Key Distribution System for Mobile Platforms with Highly Indistinguishable States,’ submitted for publication (2024). (preprint)

D. J. Gauthier, N. Biederman, B. Gyovai, and J. P. Wilhelm, ‘Digital twin of a DC brushless electric motor-propeller system with application to drone dynamics,’ submitted for publication (2024). (preprint)

A. Rockovich, S. Wang, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Maximizing the Purity and Heralding Efficiency of Down-Converted Photons Using Beam Focal Parameters,’ submitted for publication (2024). (preprint)

C. J. Wright, N. Biederman, B. Gyovai, D. J. Gauthier, and J. P. Wilhelm, ‘Small jet engine reservoir computing digital twin,’ to appear in the AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum (2024). (preprint)

K.-A. Brickman Soderberg, D. J. Gauthier, P. G. Kwiat, and R. Srinivas, ‘Quantum Networks – a new platform for Aerospace,’ AIAA Journal (2024). DOI: 10.2514/1.J063187

D. Sanchez-Rosales, ‘Design and Development of a Quantum Key Distribution System for Highly Mobile Platforms and Its Implementation on Drones and Cars,’ The Ohio State University, Ph.D. thesis, unpublished (2024).

R. D. Cochran, ‘Full-System Design, Implementation, and Analysis for Quantum Key Distribution on Mobile Platforms,’ The Ohio State University, Ph.D. thesis, unpublished (2024).

R. M. Kent, W. A. S. Barbosa, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Controlling Chaos Using Edge Computing Hardware,’ Nat. Commun. 15, 3886 (2024). (preprint) [OSU press release and Nature blog post] Software available: doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.25534621

D. Gauthier and A. Rockovich, ‘Temperature-insensitive source for entangled time-frequency quantum photonic states,’ in Defense + Commercial Sensing, Proc. SPIE 13025, 1302509 (2024).

R. M. Kent, W. A. S. Barbosa, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Controlling chaotic maps using next-generation reservoir computing,’ Chaos 34, 023102 (2024). (preprint)


V. Nookala, ‘Effects of White Noise on ChaoGate Operations,’ The Ohio State University, M.S. Thesis, unpublished (2023).

J. Sawicki, R. Berner, S. A. M. Loos, M. Anvari, R. Bader, W. Barfuss, N. Botta, N. Brede, I. Franović, D. J. Gauthier, S. Goldt, A. Hajizadeh, P. Hövel, O. Karin, P. Lorenz-Spreen, C. Miehl, J. Mölter, S. Olmi, E. Schöll, A. Seif, P. A. Tass, G. Volpe, S. Yanchuk, and J. Kurths, ‘Perspectives on adaptive dynamical systems,’ Chaos 33, 071501 (2023). [Scilight perspective] (preprint)

D.J. Gauthier, ‘Daniel J. Gauthier – About the Profession,’ Professional Feature, DSWeb (The Dynamical Systems Web), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) (2023).

A. Conrad, S. Isaac, R. Cochran, D. Sanchez-Rosales, T. Rezaei, T. Javid, A. J. Schroeder, G. Golba, D. Gauthier, P. Kwiat, ‘Drone-based quantum communication links,’ Proc. SPIE, Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation III 12446, 124460H (2023).


P. Alsing, P. Battle, J. C. Bienfang, T. Borders, T. Brower-Thomas, L. D. Carr, F. Chong, S. Dadras, B. DeMarco, I. Deutsch, E. Figueroa, D. Freedman, H. Everitt, D. Gauthier, E. Johnston-Halperin, J. Kim, M. Kira, P. Kumar, P. Kwiat, J. Lekki, A. Loiacono, M. Loncar, J. R. Lowell, M. Lukin, C. Merzbacher, A. Miller, C. Monroe, J. Pollanen, D. Pappas, M. Raymer, R. Reano, B. Rodenburg, M. Savage, T. Searles, and J. Ye, ‘Accelerating Progress Towards Practical Quantum Advantage: The Quantum Technology Demonstration Project Roadmap,’ submitted for publication. (preprint)

D. J. Gauthier, I. Fischer, and A. Röhm, ‘Learning unseen coexisting attractors,’ Chaos 32, 113107 (2022). (preprint) Software available: DOI

W. A. S. Barbosa, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Learning spatiotemporal chaos using next-generation reservoir computing,’ Chaos 32, 093137 (2022). (preprint) [Editor’s featured article.] DOI

N. Charlot, A. Pomerance, D.J. Gauthier, and D. Canaday, ‘Mathematical Model of Strong Physically Unclonable Functions Based on Hybrid Boolean Networks,’ 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), pgs. 129-132 (2022). (preprint) doi: 10.1109/HOST54066.2022.9840173

D. Canaday, W. A. S. Barbosa, and A. Pomerance, ‘A Novel Attack on Machine-Learning Resistant Physical Unclonable Functions,’ 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), pgs. 25-28 (2022). doi: 10.1109/HOST54066.2022.9839670

N. Charlot, ‘Application of complex network dynamics in ultrafast electronics,’ The Ohio State University, Ph.D. thesis, unpublished (2022).

N. F. Charlot and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Sensitivity of a chaotic logic gate,’ IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II: Express Briefs 69, 3339 (2022). doi: 10.1109/TCSII.2022.3170266.


G. E. Rowlands, M.-H. Nguyen, G. J. Ribeill, A. Wagner, L. C. G. Govia, W. A. S. Barbosa, D. J. Gauthier, and T. A. Ohki, ‘Reservoir computing with superconducting electronics,’ submitted for publication (2021). (preprint)

N. Charlot, D. J. Gauthier, and A. Pomerance, ‘High-Resolution Waveform Capture Device on a Cyclone-V FPGA,’ IEEE Access 9, 146203 (2021). (preprint)

A. Röhm, D. J. Gauthier, and I. Fischer, ‘Model-free inference of unseen attractors: Reconstructing phase space features from a single noisy trajectory using reservoir computing,’ Chaos 31, 103127 (2021). [Selected as an Editor’s Pick, Scilight article] (preprint)

Copyright © (2021) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

W. A. S. Barbosa, A. Griffith, G. E. Rowlands, L. C. G. Govia, G. J. Ribeill, M.-H. Nguyen, T. A. Ohki, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Symmetry-aware reservoir computing,’ Phys. Rev. E 104, 045307  (2021). (preprint)

D. Canaday, A. Pomerance, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Model-free control of dynamical systems with deep reservoir computing,’ J. Phys. Complex. 2, 035025 (2021). (preprint)

D. J. Gauthier, E. Bollt, A. Griffith, W. A. S. Barbosa, ‘Next generation reservoir computing,’ Nat. Commun. 12, 5564 (2021). (preprint) [OSU press release and many other news articles, Editor Selected for the Nature Communications Focus on AI] Software available: DOI

A. Griffith, ‘Essential reservoir computing,’ Ph.D. Thesis, unpublished (2021).

S. Apostel, N. D. Haynes, E. Schöll, O. D’Huys, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Reservoir computing using autonomous Boolean networks realized on field-programmable gate arrays,’ an invited book chapter in Reservoir Computing: Theory, Physical Implementations, and Applications, K. Nakajima, and I. Fischer, eds. (Springer Nature, Singapore, 2021), pp. 239-271.

R.D. Cochran and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Qubit-based clock synchronization for QKD systems using a Bayesian approach,’ Entropy 23, 988 (2021). (preprint)

K.L. Nicolich, ‘Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors for quantum information science,’ The Ohio State University, Ph.D. thesis, unpublished (2021).

D.J. Gauthier and I. Fischer, ‘Reservoir computing: predicting hidden structures in dynamical systems,’ Nat. Mach. Intell. 3, 281-282(2021).  The Kim et al. article.

Y. Acharya, N.F. Charlot, M.M. Alam, F. Ganji, D.J. Gauthier, and D. Forte, ‘Chaogate Parameter Optimization using Bayesian Optimization and Genetic Algorithm,’ 22nd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), pp. 426-431 (2021).  doi: 10.1109/ISQED51717.2021.9424355

N. Charlot, D. Canaday, A. Pomerance, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Hybrid Boolean Networks as Physically Unclonable Functions,’ IEEE Access 9, 44855 (2021). (preprint) [January 6, 2022 article in SemiconductorEngineering discussing the PUF technology.]

A. Conrad, S. Isaac, R. Cochran, D. Sanchez-Rosales, B. Wilens, A. Gutha, T. Rezaei, D.J. Gauthier, and P. Kwiat, ‘Drone-based quantum key distribution: QKD,’ Proc. SPIE, Free-Space Laser Communications XXXIII 11678, 116780X (2021).  doi: 10.1117/12.2582376

I. Fischer and D.J. Gauthier, ‘High-speed harvesting of random numbers,’ Science 371, 889 (2021).


M. E. Shea, P. M. Baker, J. A. Joseph, J. Kim, D. J. Gauthier, ‘Submillisecond, nondestructive, time-resolved quantum-state readout of a single, trapped neutral atom,’ Phys. Rev. A 102, 053101 (2020). (preprint)

C. Cahall, N. T. Islam, D. J. Gauthier, and J. Kim, ‘Multi-mode Time-delay Interferometer for Free-space Quantum Communication,’ Phys. Rev. Appl. 13, 024047 (2020). [Selected at an Editors’ Suggestion] (preprint)


D. Canaday, ‘Modeling and Control of Dynamical Systems with Reservoir Computing,’ The Ohio State University, Ph.D. Thesis, unpublished (2019).

A. Griffith, A. Pomerance, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Forecasting Chaotic Systems with Very Low Connectivity Reservoir Computers,’ Chaos 29, 123108 (2019).

Copyright © (2019) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

H. Jeong, C.-W. Lee, A. M. C. Dawes, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Optical precursors in a weakly dispersive double narrow resonance dielectric,’ J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, 3282 (2019).

K. L. Nicolich, C. Cahall, N. T. Islam, G. P. Lafyatis, J. Kim, A. J. Miller, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Universal model for the turn-on dynamics of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors,’ Phys. Rev. Appl. 12, 034020 (2019). (preprint)

N. T. Islam, C. C. W. Lim, C. Cahall, B. Qi, J. Kim, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Scalable high-rate, high-dimensional quantum key distribution,’ Quantum Sci. Technol. 4, 035008 (2019). (preprint).  (preprintBitbucket repository with Matlab code.  Or get it directly here: Matlab code used in the security analysis based on linear programming.


D. Canaday, A. Griffith, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Rapid Time Series Prediction with a Hardware-Based Reservoir Computer,’ Chaos 28, 123119 (2018). [Highlighted in AIP Scilight, Dec. 17, 2018.] (preprint)

Copyright © (2018) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

M.E. Shea, ‘Fast, nondestructive quantum-state readout of a single, trapped, neutral atom,’ Duke University, Ph.D. Thesis, unpublished (2018).

C. Cahall, D.J. Gauthier, and J. Kim, ‘Scalable cryogenic readout circuit for a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector,’ Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 063117 (2018). (preprint)

A. Aragoneses, N. T. Islam, M. Eggleston, A. Lezama, J. Kim, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Bounding the outcome of a two-photon interference measurement using weak coherent states,’ Opt. Lett. 43, 3806 (2018). (preprint)

K. DeBry and G. Lafyatis, ‘Note: Electroplating process for connectorizing superconducting NbTi cables,’ Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 076108 (2018).

N.T. Islam, C.C.W. Lim, C. Cahall, J. Kim, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Securing quantum key distribution systems using fewer states,’ Phys. Rev. A 97, 042347 (2018). (preprintBitbucket repository with Matlab code.  Or get it directly here: Matlab code used in the security analysis based on linear programming.

J.M. Lukens, N.T. Islam, C.C.W. Lim, and D.J. Gauthier,  ‘Reconfigurable generation and measurement of mutually unbiased bases for time-bin qudits,’ Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 111102 (2018). [Selected as an Editor’s Pick.] (preprint)

N.T. Islam, ‘High-rate, high-dimensional quantum key distribution systems,’ Duke University, Ph.D. Thesis, unpublished (2018).  Published in the Springer Thesis series.

D.J. Gauthier, ‘Reservoir computing: Harnessing a universal dynamical system,’ SIAM News 51:2, 12 (2018).


C. Cahall, K.L. Nicolich, T. Islam, G.P. Lafyatis, A.J. Miller, D.J. Gauthier, J. Kim, ‘Multi-Photon Detection using a Conventional Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detector,’ Optica 4, 1534 (2017).  In collaboration with Quantum Opus, who provided the detector used in this work.  [Highlighted by ECN, Optics & Photonics NewsScience Daily]

N.T. Islam, C.C.W. Lim, C. Cahall, J. Kim, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Provably secure and high-rate quantum key distribution with time-bin qudits,’ Sci. Adv. 3, e1701491 (2017).  Supplementary Information. (preprint) [Highlighted by 41 news organizations around the globe as of Dec.. 22, 2017]

M. Stipčević, B. G. Christensen, P. G. Kwiat and D. J. Gauthier, ‘An advanced active quenching circuit for ultra-fast quantum cryptography,’ Opt. Express 25, 21861 (2017). (preprint)

M.E. Shea and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Comment on “Non-destructive light-shift measurements of single atoms in optical dipole traps”,’ Phys. Rev. A 96, 027401 (2017).

N. T. Islam, A. Aragoneses, A. Lezama, J. Kim, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Robust and stable delay interferometers with application to d-dimensional time-frequency quantum key distribution,’ Phys. Rev. Appl. 7, 044010 (2017). (preprint)

J. Lohmann, O. D’Huys, N. D. Haynes, E. Schöll, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Transient dynamics and their control in time-delay autonomous Boolean ring networks,’ Phys. Rev. E 95, 022211 (2017).


N. T. Islam, C. Cahall, A. Aragoneses, C. W. Lim, M. S. Allman, V. Verma, S. W. Nam, J. Kim, D. J. Gauthier, ‘Enhancing the secure key rate in a quantum-key-distribution system using discrete-variable, high-dimensional, time-frequency states,’ Proc. SPIE, Quantum Information Science and Technology II 9996, 99960C (2016). doi:10.1117/12.2241429

T. Brougham, C.F. Wildfeuer, S.M. Barnett and D.J. Gauthier, ‘The information of high-dimensional time-bin encoded photons,’ European Phys. J. D 70, 214 (2016).

B. L. Schmittberger and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Spontaneous emergence of free-space optical and atomic patterns,’ New J. Phys. 18, 103021 (2016). (preprint)

O. D’Huys, J. Lohmann, N. D. Haynes, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Super-transient scaling in time-delay autonomous Boolean network motifs,’ Chaos 26, 4954274 (2016).

Copyright © (2016) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

M. Stipčević, B. G. Christensen, P. G. Kwiat, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Advanced active quenching circuits for single-photon avalanche photodiodes,’ Proc. SPIE 9858, Advanced Photon Counting Techniques X, 98580R (2016). (doi:10.1117/12.2227999)

B. L. Schmittberger and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Transverse optical and atomic pattern formation,’ J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 33, 1543 (2016).  (preprint)

B. L. Schmittberger, ‘Multimode atomic pattern formation via enhanced light-atom interactions,’ Duke University, Ph.D. Thesis, unpublished (2016) [PDF]


H.E. Guilbert, Y. Wong, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Observation of elliptical rings in type-I spontaneous parametric down-conversion,’ JOSA B 32, 2096 (2015). (preprint)

R. R. Rivera-Durón, E. Campos-Cantón, I. Campos-Cantón, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Forced synchronization of autonomous Boolean networks,’ Chaos 25, 083113 (2015).

Copyright © (2015) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

M. Mirhosseini, O. S. Magaña-Loaiza, M. N. O’Sullivan, B. Rodenburg, M. Malik, M. P. J. Lavery, M. J. Padgett, D. J. Gauthier, and R. W. Boyd, ‘High-dimensional quantum cryptography with twisted light,’ New J. Physics 17, 033033 (2015). (preprint) Highlighted on!

H. E. Guilbert, ‘Efficient entangled biphoton production and manipulation for quantum applications,’ Duke University, Ph.D. Thesis, unpublished (2015) [PDF 8.5 MB].

H. E. Guilbert and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Enhancing heralding efficiency and biphoton rate in Type-I spontaneous parametric downconversion,’ J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 21, 6400610 (2015). (preprint)

N. D. Haynes, M. C. Soriano, D. P. Rosin, I. Fischer, D. J. Gauthier, ‘Reservoir computing with a single time-delay autonomous Boolean node,’ Phys. Rev. E 91, 020801 (2015). (preprint)

L. Weicker, T. Erneux, D. P. Rosin, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Multi-rhythmicity in an optoelectronic oscillator with large delay,’ Phy. Rev. E 91, 012910 (2015). (preprint)

A. Baron, S. Larouche, D. J. Gauthier and D. R. Smith, ‘Scaling of the nonlinear response of the surface plasmon polariton at a metal/dielectric interface,’ J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 32, 9 (2015). Top 20 downloaded article from JOSA B for the months of January and February 2015.


D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, N. D. Haynes, E. Schöll and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Transient scaling and resurgence of chimera states in coupled Boolean phase oscillators,’ Phys. Rev. E 90, 030902 (2014). (supplemental information, preprint)

D. P. Rosin, ‘Dynamics of complex autonomous Boolean networks,’ TU Berlin and Duke University, Ph.D. Thesis, unpublished (2014) [PDF 12.5 MB]. Nominated as an outstanding Ph.D. thesis by the Technical University of Berlin, Germany and published by Springer.

B. L. Schmittberger and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Enhancing light-atom interactions via atomic bunching,’ Phys. Rev. A 90, 013813 (2014).

Y. Zhu, J. A. Greenberg, N. A. Husein, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Giant all-optical tunable group velocity dispersion in an optical fiber,’ Opt. Express 22, 14382 (2014).  Top 10 downloaded article from Optics Express for the month of June 2014.

Y. Lin, J. C. Ramirez-Giraldo, D.J. Gauthier, K. Stierstorfer, and E. Samei, ‘An angle-dependent estimation of CT x-ray spectrum from rotational transmission measurements,’ Med. Phys. 41, 062104 (2014).  Selected for the cover image of the June issue!

B. Christensen, D. Kumor, K. McCusker, V. Chandar, D. Gauthier, and P. Kwiat, ‘Information reconciliation in higher-dimensional quantum cryptography,’ in Proceedings of The Tenth Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics (CQO10), N. P. Bigelow, J. H. Eberly, and C. R. Stroud, Eds. (Optical Society of America, 2014), pp. 537-538.

D. J. Gauthier, C. F. Wildfeuer, H. Guilbert, M. Stipčević, B. Christensen, D. Kumor, P. Kwiat, K. McCusker, T. Brougham, and S.M. Barnett, ‘Quantum key distribution using hyperentangled time-bin states,’ in Proceedings of The Tenth Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics (CQO10), N. P. Bigelow, J. H. Eberly, and C. R. Stroud, Eds. (Optical Society of America, 2014), pp. 234-239. (preprint)

T. Sorrentino, A. Aragoneses, D. J. Gauthier, M. C. Torrent, and C. Masoller, ‘Experimental study of the complex dynamics of semiconductor lasers with feedback via symbolic time-series analysis,’ Proc. SPIE 9134, 91340L (2014) (doi:10.1117/12.2052322)

D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Synchronization of coupled Boolean phase oscillators,’ Phys. Rev. E 89, 042907 (2014).

A. Aragoneses, T. Sorrentino, S. Perrone, D. J. Gauthier, M. C. Torrent, and C. Masoller, ‘Experimental and numerical study of the symbolic dynamics of a modulated external-cavity semiconductor laser,’ Opt. Express 22, 4705 (2014).


J. Kim, R. Clark, D. Gauthier, ‘Low-Noise frequency downconversion for long-distance distribution of entangled atomic qubits,’ Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series, 2013 IEEE, pp. 183-184, 8-10 July (2013). (DOI: 10.1109/PHOSST.2013.6614563)

M. Stipčević and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Precise Monte Carlo simulations of single-photon detectors,’ in Advanced Photon Counting Techniques VII, Proc. SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing, Advanced Photon Counting Techniques VII, M.A. Itzler and J.C. Campbell, Eds. 8727, 87270K (2013).

Y. Zhu, ‘Theory and application of SBS-based group velocity manipulation in optical fiber,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished (2013) [PDF 4.4 MB].

S. D. Cohen, A. Aragoneses, D. Rontani, M. C. Torrent, C. Masoller, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Multidimensional subwavelength position sensing using a semiconductor laser with optical feedback,’ Opt. Lett. 38, 4331 (2013).

H. L. D. de S. Cavalcante, M. Oriá, D. Sornette, E. Ott, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Predictability and suppression of extreme events in a chaotic system,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 198701 (2013). (Supplemental Information, preprint). Highlighted in: New Scientist, Physics Viewpoint by Adilson E. Motter, Slate (in French), Wired, Physics World, Durham Herald-Sun, Duke Today.

H. Zheng, D.J. Gauthier, and H. U. Baranger, ‘Waveguide-QED-Based Photonic Quantum Computation,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 090502 (2013). (preprint)

K. E. Callan, ‘Method to sense changes in network parameters with high-speed, nonlinear dynamical nodes,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished [PDF 3.9 MB] (2013).

S. D. Cohen, ‘Subwavelength sensing using nonlinear feedback in a wave-chaotic cavity,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished (2013) [PDF 12 MB].

J. E. Vornehm, A. Schweinsberg, Z. Shi, D. J. Gauthier, and R. W. Boyd, ‘Phase locking of multiple optical fiber channels for a slow-light-enabled laser radar system,’ Opt. Express 21, 13094 (2013).

A. D. Jackson, D. Huang, D. J. Gauthier, and S. Venakides, ‘Destructive impact of imperfect beam collimation in extraordinary optical transmission,’ J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 30, 1281 (2013).

D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, D. J. Gauthier, and E. Schöll, ‘Experiments on autonomous Boolean networks,’ Chaos 23, 025102 (2013).

Copyright © (2013) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

T. Brougham, S. M. Barnett, K. T. McCusker, P. G. Kwiat, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Security of high-dimensional quantum key distribution protocols using Franson interferometers,’ J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 104010 (2013). (preprint)

D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Ultrafast physical generation of random numbers using hybrid Boolean networks,’ Phys. Rev. E 87, 040902(R) (2013).

Y. Zhu, J. Kim, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Aberration-corrected quantum temporal imaging system,’ Phys. Rev. A 87, 043808 (2013).

D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, D. J. Gauthier, and E. Schöll, ‘Control of synchronization patterns in neural-like Boolean networks,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 104102 (2013).

H. Zheng, D. J. Gauthier, and H. U. Baranger, ‘Decoy-state quantum key distribution with nonclassical light generated in a one-dimensional waveguide,’ Opt. Lett. 38, 622 (2013). (preprint)


D. J. Gauthier, `Comment on ”Generalized grating equation for virtually-imaged phased-array spectral dispersers”,’ Appl. Opt. 51, 8187 (2012). (Reply to the comment by Andrew Weiner.)

S. D. Cohen, D. Rontani, and D. J. Gauthier ‘Ultra-high-frequency piecewise-linear chaos using delayed feedback loops,’ Chaos 22, 043112 (2012).

D. P. Rosin, D. Rontani, D. J. Gauthier, and E. Schöll, ‘Excitability in autonomous Boolean networks,’ Europhys. Lett. 100, 30003 (2012).

G. M. Hall, E. J. Holder, S. D. Cohen, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Low-cost chaotic radar design,’ Proc. SPIE 8361, 836112 (2012).

S. D. Cohen and D. J. Gauthier, ‘A pseudo-matched filter for chaos,’ Chaos 22, 033148 (2012).

Copyright © (2012) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

J. A. Greenberg and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Steady-state, cavity-less, multimode superradiance,’ Phys. Rev. A 86 013823 (2012).

J. Leach, E. Bolduc, D. J. Gauthier, and R. W. Boyd, ‘The secure information capacity of photons entangled in high dimensions,’ Phys. Rev. A 85, 060304(R) (2012).

J. A. Greenberg, ‘Light-matter Interactions via Emergent Order in Cold Atoms,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished [PDF 3.4 MB] (2012).

E. Poutrina, C. Ciracì, D. J. Gauthier, and D. R. Smith, ‘Enhancing four-wave-mixing processes by nanowire arrays coupled to a gold film,’ Opt. Express 20, 11005 (2012).

J. A. Greenberg and D. J. Gauthier, ‘High-order optical nonlinearity at low light levels,’ Europhys. Lett. 98, 24001 (2012).

H. Zheng, D. J. Gauthier, and H. U. Baranger, ‘Strongly-correlated photons generated by coupling a three- or four-level system to a waveguide,’ Phys. Rev. A 85, 043832 (2012). (preprint)

K. E. Callan, L. Illing, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Broadband Chaos,’ in Nonlinear Laser Dynamics: From Quantum Dots to Cryptography, K. Lüge, Ed. (Jonh Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2012), Ch. 13, pp. 317-332.


S. D. Cohen, H. L. D. S. Cavalcante, D. J. Gauthier, ‘Subwavelength position sensing using nonlinear feedback and wave chaos,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 254103 (2011). Selected as an Editor’s Choice.

H. Zheng, D. J. Gauthier, and H. U. Baranger, ‘Cavity-free photon blockade induced by many-body bound states,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 223601 (2011). (preprint)

D. P. Rosin, K. E. Callan, D. J. Gauthier, and E. Schöll, ‘Pulse-train solutions and excitability in an optoelectronic oscillator,’ Europhys. Lett. 96, 34001 (2011).

D.P. Rosin, ‘Pulse train solutions in a time-delayed opto-electronic oscillator,’ TU Berlin and Duke University MSc Thesis, unpublished [PDF 2.2 MB] (2011).

R.W. Boyd, D.J. Gauthier, and Z. Shi, ‘Apparatus and methods using highly optically dispersive media,’ U.S. Patent 7,990,540, issued Aug. 2, 2011.

M. Lee, Y. Zhu, D. J. Gauthier, M. E. Gehm, and M. A. Neifeld, ‘Information-theoretic analysis of a stimulated-Brillouin-scattering-based slow-light system,’ Appl. Opt. 50, 6063 (2011).

J. A. Greenberg, B. L. Schmittberger, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Bunching-induced optical nonlinearity and instability in cold atoms [Invited],’ Opt. Express 19, 22535 (2011)

R. Zhang,* J. A. Greenberg,* M. C. Fischer and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Controllable ultra-broadband slow light in a warm Rubidium vapor,’ J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 28, 2578 (2011). *Co-first authors. (preprint)

Y. Zhu, J. Kim, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Selective phase-matched Bragg scattering for single-photon frequency conversion in a nonlinear waveguide,’ Proceedings of the IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 20, 2011, p. 47. (DOI: 10.1109/PHOSST.2011.6000037)

R. Zhang, Y. Zhu, J. Wang, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Fiber-length dependence of slow light with a swept-frequency source,’ Proc. SPIE 7949, 794909 (2011).

R. W. Boyd, A. Jha, M. Malik, C. O’Sullivan, B. Rodenburg, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Quantum key distribution in a high-dimensional state space: Exploiting the transverse degree of freedom of the photon,’ Proc. SPIE 7948, 79480L (2011).

H. Jeong, A.M.C. Dawes, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Carrier-Frequency Dependence of a Step-Modulated Pulse Propagating Through a Weakly Dispersive Single Narrow-Resonance Absorber,’ J. Mod. Opt.58, 865 (2011).

R. Y. Hwang, D. J. Gauthier, D. Wallace, N. A. Afshari, ‘Refractive Changes After Descemet Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty: A simplified mathematical model,’ Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IVOS) 52, 1043 (2011). (online first version)

J. Wang,* Y. Zhu,* R. Zhang and D. J. Gauthier, ‘FSBS resonances observed in a standard highly-nonlinear fiber,‘ Opt. Express 19, 5339 (2011), *Co-First Author.

Y. Zhu, M. Lee, M. A. Neifeld, D. J. Gauthier, ‘High-fidelity, broadband stimulated-Brillouin-scattering-based slow light using fast noise modulation,’ Opt. Express 19, 687-697 (2011).


H. Zheng, D. J. Gauthier, H. U. Baranger, ‘Waveguide QED: Many-Body Bound State Effects on Coherent and Fock State Scattering from a Two-Level System,’ Phys. Rev. A 82, 063816 (2010). (preprint)

R. Zhang, Y. Zhu, J. Wang, D.J. Gauthier, ‘Slow Light With A Swept-Frequency Source,’ Opt. Express 18, 27263 (2010).

Y. Zhu, E. Cabrera-Granado, O.G. Calderon, S. Melle, Y. Okawachi, A.L. Gaeta, D.J. Gauthier, ‘Competition between the Modulation Instability and Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in a Broadband Slow Light Device,’ J. Opt. 12, 104019 (2010).

K. E. Oughstun, H. Jeong, D. J. Gauthier, and N. A. Cartwright, ‘Optical precursors in the singular and weak dispersion limits,’ J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27, 1664 (2010)

K. E. Callan, L. Illing, Z. Gao, D. J. Gauthier, and E. Schöll, ‘Broadband chaos generated by an opto-electronic oscillator,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 113901 (2010). (preprint) Highlighted in a Nature News & Views article by Larger and Dudley.

A. M. C. Dawes, D. J. Gauthier, S. Schumacher, N. H. Kwong, R. Binder and A. L. Smirl, ‘Transverse optical patters for ultra-low-light-level all-optical switching,’ an invited article in Laser & Photonics Rev. 4, 221 (2010).

H. L. D. de S. Cavalcante, D. J. Gauthier, J. E. S. Socolar, and R. Zhang, ‘On the Origin of Chaos in Autonomous Boolean Networks,’ Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. A 368, 495 (2010). Presented at the International Workshop on Delayed Complex Systems (2009).


R. W. Boyd, D. J. Gauthier, and P. Narum, ‘Causality in superluminal pulse propagation,’ an invited chapter in Time in Quantum Mechanics II, G. Muga, A. Ruschhaupt, A. del Campo, Eds. (Springer, Berlin, 2009), Ch. 7, Lect. Notes Phys. 789, 175-204 (2009).

H. M. Dobrovolny, C. M. Berger, N. H. Brown, W. K. Neu and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Spatial Heterogeneity of Restitution Properties and the Onset of Alternans,’ an invited article in Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC’09), pp. 4186-4189 (2009). (preprint)

R. W. Boyd and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Controlling the Velocity of Optical Pulses,’ Science 326, 1074 (2009).

R. Zhang, H. L. D. de S. Cavalcante, Z. Gao, D. J. Gauthier, J. E. S. Socolar, M. M. Adams, and D. P. Lathrop, ‘Boolean Chaos,’ Phys. Rev. E. 80, 045202(R) (2009). (preprint)

D. J. Gauthier, ‘Superluminal communication in quantum mechanics,’ an invited article in Compendium of Quantum Physics: Concepts, Experiments, History and Philosophy, D. Greenberger, K. Hentschel, and Friedel Weinert (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009), pp. 776-769. (preprint)

W. R. LeFew, S. Venakides, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Accurate description of optical precursors and their relation to weak-field coherent optical transients,’ Phys. Rev. A 79, 063842 (2009). (preprint)

J. A. Greenberg and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Transient dynamics and momentum redistribution in cold atoms via recoil-induced resonances,’ Phys. Rev. A 79, 033414 (2009).


Z. Zhu, D. J. Gauthier, A. L. Gaeta, and R. W. Boyd, ‘Slow light in optical waveguides,’ an invited chapter in Slow Light: Science and Applications, J.B Khurgin and R.S. Tucker, Eds. (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2008), Ch. 3, pp. 37-57 (preprint)

G. M. Gehring, R. W. Boyd, A. L. Gaeta, D. J. Gauthier, and A. E. Willner, ‘Fiber-Based Slow-Light Technologies,’ J. Lightwave Tech. 26, 3752 (2008).

Copyright © 2008 IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Duke University’s products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a blank email message to By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.

E. Cabrera-Granado and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Recent advancements in SBS Slow Light,’ an invited article in Opt. Pura Apl. 41, 313 (2008).

A. A. Juarez, R. Vilaseca, Z. Zhu, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Room-temperature spectral hole burning in an engineered inhomogeneously-broadened resonance,’ Opt. Lett. 33, 2374 (2008). Selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2008.

E. Cabrera-Granado, O. G. Calderón, S. Melle, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Observation of large 10-Gb/s SBS slow light delay with low distortion using an optimized gain profile,’ Opt. Express 16, 16032 (2008).

X. Zhao, D. G. Schaeffer, C. M. Berger, W. Krassowska, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Cardiac alternans arising from an unfolded border-collision bifurcation,’ J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. 3, 041004 (2008).

C. M. Berger, ‘Evidence for an Unfolded Border-Collision Bifurcation in Paced Cardiac Tissue,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished (2008). [PDF 25.6 MB]

H. Dobrolvony ‘Spatial variation of cardiac restitution properties and the onset of alternans,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished (2008). [PDF 10.1 MB]

K. E. Callan, ‘Broadband chaos generated in a time-delay opto-electronic device,’ Duke University M.S. Thesis, unpublished (2008). [PDF 1.8 MB]

A. M. C. Dawes, ‘Using transverse optical patterns for ultra-low-light all-optical switching,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished (2008). [PDF 7.7 MB]

J. W. Cain and D. G. Schaeffer, ‘Shortening of cardiac action potential duration near an insulating boundary,’ Math. Med. Bio. 25, 21 (2008).

D. W. Evertson, M. R. Holcomb, M. D. C. Eames, M. A. P. Bray, V. Y. Sidorov, J. Xu, H. Wingard, H. M. Dobrovolny, M. C. Woods, D. J. Gauthier, and J. P. Wikswo, ‘High-resolution high-speed panoramic cardiac imaging system,’ IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 55, 1241 (2008).

Copyright © 2008 IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Duke University’s products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a blank email message to By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.

R. Pant, M. D. Stenner, M. A. Neifeld, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Optimal pump profile designs for broadband SBS slow-light systems,’ Optics Express 16, 2764 (2008).

A. M. C. Dawes, L. Illing, J. A. Greenberg, D. J. Gauthier, ‘All-Optical Switching with Transverse Optical Patterns,’ Phys. Rev. A 77, 013833 (2008). (link)

D. G. Schaeffer, W. Ying, X. Zhao, ‘Asymptotic approximation of an ionic model for cardiac restitution,’ Nonlinear Dyn. 51, 189 (2008).

A. M. C. Dawes and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Using Transverse Patterns for All-Optical Switching,’ in Proceedings of The Ninth Rochester Conference on Coherence on Quantum Optics (CQO9), N. Bigelow, J. Eberly, and C. Stroud, Jr., Eds. (American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2008).

L. Illing, D. J. Gauthier, and J. N. Blakely, ‘Controlling fast chaos in opto-electronic delay dynamical systems,’ an invited chapter in Handbook of Chaos Control, 2nd Ed., E. Schöll, and H. G. Schuster, Eds. (WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany, 2008), pp. 407-425. (preprint)


Z. Zhu, D. J. Gauthier, and R. W. Boyd, ‘Stored light in an optical fiber via Stimulated Brillouin Scattering,’ Science 318, 1748 (2007). (Supplemental material) Highlighted in Optics in 2008. For more information, see our website on Stored Light.

J.A. Greenberg, M. Oria, A. M. C. Dawes, D. J. Gauthier, ‘Absorption-Induced Trapping in an Anisotropic Magneto-optical Trap,’ Opt. Express 15, 17699 (2007).

R. Pant, M. D. Stenner, M. A. Neifeld, Z. Shi, R. W. Boyd, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Maximizing the opening of eye diagrams for slow-light systems,’ Appl. Opt. 46, 6513 (2007).

C. M. Berger, J. W. Cain, J. E. S. Socolar, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Control of Electrical Alternans in Paced Myocardium Using Extended Time-Delay Autosynchronization,’ Phys. Rev. E 76, 041917 (2007). Selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics, Volume 14, Issue 9, November 1, 2007.

C. M. Berger, X. Zhao, D. G. Schaeffer, W. Krassowska, H. M. Dobrovolny, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Period-doubling bifurcation to alternans in paced-cardiac tissue: Crossover from smooth to border-collision characteristics,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 058101 (2007). Supplemental information.  Selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Volume 14, Issue 3, April 15, 2005.

Z. Shi, R. Pant, Z. Zhu, M. D. Stenner, M. A. Neifeld, D. J. Gauthier, and R. W. Boyd, ‘Design of a Tunable Time-Delay Element Using Multiple Gain Lines for Large Fractional Delay with High Data Fidelity,’ Opt. Lett. 32, 1986 (2007).

N. H. Brown, H. M. Dobrovolny, D. J. Gauthier, and P. D. Wolf, ‘A Fiber-Based Ratiometric Optical Cardiac Mapping Channel using a Diffraction Grating and Split Detector,’ Biophys. J. 93, 254 (2007).

L. Illing, D. J. Gauthier, and R. Roy, ‘Controlling Optical Chaos, Spatio-temporal Dynamics, and Patterns,’ an invited chapter in Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol. 54, P.R. Berman, E. Arimondo, and C. Lin, Eds. (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007), pp. 615-695. (preprint)

Z. Shi, R. W. Boyd, D. J. Gauthier, and C. C. Dudley, ‘Enhancing the spectral sensitivity of interferometers using slow-light media,’ Opt. Lett. 32, 915 (2007).

H. Shin, A. Schweinsberg, G. Gehring, K. Schwertz, H. J. Chang, R. W. Boyd, Q.-H. Park, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Reducing pulse distortion in fast-light pulse propagation through an erbium-doped fiber amplifier,’ Opt. Lett. 32, 906 (2007). Selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast ScienceVolume 6, Issue 4, April 2007.

X. Zhao, D. G. Schaeffer, C. M. Berger, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Small-Signal Amplification of Period-Doubling Bifurcations in Smooth Iterated Maps,’ Nonlinear Dyn. 48, 381 (2007).

D. G. Schaeffer, J. W. Cain, D. J. Gauthier, S. S. Kalb, R. A. Oliver, E. G. Tolkacheva, W. Ying, and W. Krassowska ‘An ionically based mapping model with memory for cardiac restitution,’ Bull. Math. Bio. 69, 459 (2007).

A. M. C. Dawes and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Using Transverse Patterns for All-Optical Switching,’ in Coherence and Quantum Optics (CQO) 2007, paper CMI23, (2007).

Z. Zhu, A. M. C. Dawes, D. J. Gauthier, L. Zhang, and A. E. Willner, ‘Broadband SBS slow light in an optical fiber,’ J. Lightwave Tech. 25, 201 (2007). (preprint)

Copyright © 2007 IEEE.   This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Duke University’s products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted.  However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a blank email message to  By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.

B. Zhang, L. Yan, I. Fazal, L. Zhang, A. E. Willner, Z. Zhu, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Slow light on Gbit/s differential-phase-shift-keying signals,’ Opt. Express 15, 1878 (2007).

D. J. Gauthier, ‘Solitons go slow,’ an invited article in Nature Photonics 1, 92 (2007).

D. J. Gauthier and R. W. Boyd, ‘Fast light, slow light, and optical precursors … What does it all mean?,’ an invited article in Photonics Spectra, pp. 82-90, January (2007).


G. S. Agarwal, T. N. Dey, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Competition between Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Raman Processes,’  Phys. Rev. A 74, 043805 (2006).

L. Illing and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Ultra-high-frequency chaos in a time-delay electronic device with band-limited feedback,’ Chaos 16, 033119 (2006).

Copyright © (2006) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

Z. Zhu and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Nearly transparent SBS slow light in an optical fiber,’ Opt. Express 14, 7238 (2006).

R. W. Boyd and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Transparency on an optical chip,’ an invited article in Nature 441, 701 (2006).

H. Jeong, ‘Direct Observation of Optical Precursors in a Cold Potassium Gas,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished (2006).

H. Jeong, A. M. C. Dawes, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Direct observation of optical precursors in a region of anomalous dispersion,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 143901 (2006).

R. W. Boyd, D. J. Gauthier, and A. L. Gaeta, ‘Applications of slow light in telecommunications,’ an invited article in Optics and Photonics News 17, 18 (2006).

D. J. Gauthier, A. L Gaeta, and R. W. Boyd, ‘Slow Light: From basics to future prospects,’ an invited article in Photonics Spectra, pp. 44-50, March (2006).


D. Gauthier, ‘Slow light brings faster communication,’ an invited article in Phys. World 18, No. 12, 30-32 (2005). Write to Dan Gauthier to request a reprint.

M. D. Stenner, M. A. Neifeld, Z. Zhu, A. M. C. Dawes, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Distortion management in slow-light pulse delay,’ Opt. Express 13, 9995 (2005).

J. L. Font, J. J. Fernández-Soler, R. Vilaseca, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Multi-photon lasing in atomic potassium: Steady-state and dynamic behavior,’ Phys. Rev. A 72, 063810 (2005).  Selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2006.

Z. Zhu, D. J. Gauthier, Y. Okawachi, J. E. Sharping, A. L. Gaeta, R. W. Boyd, and A. E. Willner, ‘Numerical study of all-optical slow-light delays via stimulated Brillouin scattering in an optical fiber,’ J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 22, 2378-2384 (2005).

L. Illing, J. N. Blakely, and D. Gauthier, ‘Time delay systems with band-limited feedback,’ in Proceedings of the ENOC-2005 Fifth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, August 7–12, 2005, D.H. Van Campen, M.D. Lazurko W.P.J.M. Van Der Oever, Eds., pp. 1115-1123 (2005).

L. Illing and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Hopf bifurcations in time-delay systems with band-limited feedback,’ Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 210, 180 (2005). (preprint)

A. M. C. Dawes, S. M. Clark, L. Illing, D. J. Gauthier, ‘Observation of ultra-low-light-level all-optical switching,’ in Advanced Optical and Quantum Memories and Computing II; H. J. Coufal, Z. U. Hasan, and A. E. Craig; Eds., Proc. SPIE 5735, 60-68 (2005).

A. M. C. Dawes, L. Illing, S. M. Clark, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘All-optical switching in rubidium vapor,’ Science 308, 672 (2005).  Also, see the full text available from Science. For more information, visit the All-Optical Switching Research section of our website.

Y. Okawachi, M. S. Bigelow, J. E. Sharping, Z. Zhu, A. Schweinsberg, D. J. Gauthier, R. W. Boyd, and A. L. Gaeta, ‘Tunable All-Optical Delays via Brillouin Slow Light in an Optical Fiber,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 153902 (2005).

S. S. Kalb, E. G. Tolkacheva, D. G. Schaeffer, D. J. Gauthier, and W. Krassowska, ‘Restitution in Mapping Models with an Arbitrary Amount of Memory,’ Chaos 15, 023701 (2005). Selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Volume 9, Issue 8, April 15, 2005.

Copyright © (2005) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

M. D. Stenner, D. J. Gauthier, and M. A. Neifeld, ‘Fast causal information transmission in a medium with a slow group velocity,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 053902 (2005).

R. W. Boyd, D. J. Gauthier, A. L. Gaeta, and A. E. Willner, ‘Maximum time delay achievable on propagation through a slow-light medium,’ Phys. Rev. A 71, 023801 (2005).  See the Erratum that corrects several math errors in this paper [Phys. Rev. A 72, 059903(E) (2005)].

H. M. Dobrovolny, H. Elmariah, S. S. Kalb, J. P. Wikswo, Jr., and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Imaging cardiac dynamics using low-cost ultra-high-power light emitting diodes and voltage sensitvie dyes,’  unpublished (2005).


J. W. Cain, E. G. Tolkacheva, D. G. Schaeffer, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Rate-dependent propagation of cardiac action potentials in a one-dimensional fiber,’ Phys. Rev. E 70, 061906 (2004).  Selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Volume 8, Issue 12, December 15, 2004.

E. Tolkacheva, M. M. Romeo, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Control of cardiac alternans in a mapping model with memory,’ Physica D 194, 385 (2004).  (preprint)

S. S. Kalb, H. Dobrovolny, E. Tolkacheva, S. F. Idriss, W. Krassowska, and D. J. Gauthier, `The restitution portrait:  A new method for investigating rate-dependent restitution,’ J. Cardiovas. Electr.15, 698 (2004).  See the photo of our data on the cover of JCE.

J. N. Blakely, L. Illing, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Controlling Fast Chaos in Delay Dynamical Systems,‘ Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 193901 (2004). Selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast ScienceVolume 3, Issue 6, June 2004.

M. D. Stenner, D. J. Gauthier, and M. A. Neifeld, ‘Superluminal speed of information? Reply,’ Nature 429, 6987 (2004).

E. G. Tolkacheva, M. M. Romeo, M. Guerraty, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Condition for alternans and its control in a two-dimensional mapping model of paced cardiac dynamics,’ Phys. Rev. E 69, 031904 (2004). Selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Volume 7, Issue 6, March 15, 2004.

J.N. Blakely, L. Illing, and D.J. Gauthier, ‘High-speed chaos in an optical feedback system with flexible timescales,’ IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 40, 299 (2004).

Copyright © 2004 IEEE.   This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Duke University’s products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted.  However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a blank email message to  By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.

M. D. Stenner, ‘Measurement of the Information Velocity in Fast- and Slow-Light Optical Pulse Propagation,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished (2004).


M. D. Stenner, D. J. Gauthier, and M. A. Neifeld, ‘The speed of information in a ‘fast light’ optical medium,’ Nature 425, 695 (2003).  For more information, visit the Information Velocity Research section of our website.

J. J. Fernandez-Soler, J. L. Font, R. Vilaseca, D. J. Gauthier, and A. Kul’minskii, ‘Multi-photon amplification processes and quantum-path interferences in a coherently driven atomic vapor,’ Phys. Rev. A 68, 043823 (2003).

J. N. Blakely, ‘Experimental Control of a Fast Chaotic Time-Delay Opto-Electronic Device,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished (2003).

D. J. Gauthier, ‘Resource Letter: CC-1: Controlling Chaos,’ an Invited Paper in Am. J. Phys. 71, 750 (2003).  A Word 97 document is available (so you can search for references!).

D. J. Gauthier, ‘Two-photon lasers,’ an Invited Chapter in Progress in Optics, Vol. 45, E. Wolf, Ed. (Elseivier, Amsterdam, 2003), Ch. 4, pp. 205-272. (2003).

M. D. Stenner and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Pump-beam-instability limits to Raman-gain-doublet ‘fast light’ pulse propagation,’ Phys. Rev. A 67, 063801 (2003).

A. Kul’minskii, D. J. Gauthier, R. Vilaseca, J. J. Fernández-Soler, J. L. Font, `Polarization behavior of a cascade/two-photon laser in the presence of an arbitrarily directed magnetic field,’ J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 5, 243 (2003).

D. J. Gauthier, O. Pfister, W. J. Brown, and M. D. Stenner, ‘Polarization Dynamics of a Two-Photon Laser,’ in Coherence and Quantum Optics VIII, N. P. Bigelow, J. H. Eberly, C. R. Stroud and I. A. Walmsley, Eds. (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2003), pp. 131-136.

D. J. Gauthier and M. D. Stenner, ‘Pulse propagation in a high-gain bichromatically-driven Raman amplifier,’ in Coherence and Quantum Optics VIII, N. P. Bigelow, J. H. Eberly, C. R. Stroud and I. A. Walmsley, Eds. (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2003), pp. 619-620.

D. J. Gauthier, O. Pfister, W. J. Brown, and M. D. Stenner, ‘Dynamics of a two-photon laser,’ in Coherence and Quantum Optics VIII, N. P. Bigelow, J. H. Eberly, C. R. Stroud and I. A. Walmsley, Eds. (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2003), pp. 547-548.

E. G. Tolkacheva, D. G. Schaeffer, D. J. Gauthier, and W. Krassowska,  ‘Condition for alternans and stability of the 1:1 response pattern in a “memory” model of paced cardiac dynamics,’ Phys. Rev. E 67, 031904 (2003).  Selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics ResearchVolume 5, March 15, 2003.


E. G. Tolkacheva, D. G. Schaeffer, D. J. Gauthier, and C. C. Mitchell, ‘Analysis of the Fenton-Karma model through approximation by a one-dimensional map,’ Chaos 12, 1034 (2002). Selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Volume 4, November 1, 2002.

Copyright © (2002) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

D. J. Gauthier, G. M. Hall, R. A. Oliver, E. G. Dixon-Tulloch, P. D. Wolf, and S. Bahar, ‘Progress toward controlling in vivo fibrillating sheep atria using a nonlinear-dynamics-based closed-loop feedback method,’ an Invited Article in the Theme Issue on Mapping and Control of Complex Cardiac Arrhythmias, Chaos 12, 952 (2002).

Copyright © (2002) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

R. W. Boyd and D. J. Gauthier, ‘ ”Slow” and ”Fast” Light,’ An Invited Chapter in Progress in Optics, Vol. 43, E. Wolf, Ed. (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002), Ch. 6, pp. 497-530.  A preprint is also available.

G. M. Hall and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Experimental control of cardiac muscle alternans,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 198102 (2002).  Selected to appear in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics ResearchVolume 3, May 1, 2002.

R. S. Bennik, V. Wong, A. M. Marino, D. L. Aronstein, R. W. Boyd, C. R. Stroud, Jr., S. Lukishova, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Honeycomb pattern formation by laser-beam filamentation in atomic sodium vapor,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 113901 (2002).  See the photo of our data on the cover of Phys. Rev. Lett.

J. J. Fernandez-Soler, J. L. Font, R. Vilaseca, D. J. Gauthier, A. Kul’minskii, and O. Pfister, ‘Two-photon amplification and lasing in laser-driven potassium atoms: Theoretical analysis,’ Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communication) 65, 031803 (2002).


O. Pfister, W. J. Brown, M. D. Stenner, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Polarization instabilities in a two-photon laser,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4512 (2001).  See the press releases on this publication:  AIP press release, press release., Nature Physics Portal press release (you’ll need to subscribe for a free account and then search on two-photon laser)

D. J. Gauthier, S. Bahar, and G. M. Hall, ‘Controlling the dynamics of cardiac muscle using small electrical stimuli,’ Handbook of Biological Physics, Volume 4: Neuro-informatics, Neural Modelling, F. Moss, S. Gielen, Eds. (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001), pp. 229 – 256.


J. N. Blakely and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Attractor bubbling in coupled hyperchaotic oscillators,’ an Invited article in the Theme Issue of Control and Synchronization of Chaos, Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 10, 835 (2000).

J. N. Blakely, D. J. Gauthier, G. Johnson, T. L. Carroll, and L. M. Pecora, ‘Experimental investigation of high-quality synchronization of coupled oscillators,’ Chaos 10, 738 (2000).

Copyright © (2000) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

R. A. Oliver, G. M. Hall, S. Bahar, W. Krassowska, P. D. Wolf, E. G. Dixon-Tulloch, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Existence of bistability and correlation with arrhythmogenesis in paced sheep atria,’ J. Cardiovasc. Electrophysiol. 11, 797 (2000).

D. W. Sukow and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Entraining power-dropout events in an external cavity semiconductor laser using weak modulation of the injection current,’ IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-36, 175 (2000).

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G. M. Hall, ‘Control of complex behavior in cardiac muscle,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished. [7.7 Mbytes].

W. J. Brown, ‘Experimental realization of a two-photon Raman laser,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished. [2.7 Mbytes]

O. Pfister, W. J. Brown, M. D. Stenner, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Two-photon stimulated emission in laser-driven alkali metal atoms using an orthogonal pump-probe geometry,’ Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communication) 60, R4249 (1999).

G. M. Hall, S. Bahar, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘The prevalence of rate-dependent dynamics in cardiac tissue,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2995 (1999).

S. Bahar, G. M. Hall, R. A. Oliver, W. Krassowska, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Transitions between 2:1 and 1:1 responses in cardiac muscle induced by added stimuli,’ Proceedings of the First Joint BMES/EMBS Conference 1, 258 (1999).

R. A. Oliver, W. Krassowska, G. M. Hall, S. Bahar, P. D. Wolf, D. J. Gauthier, ‘Existence of bistability and correlation with arrhythmogenesis in sheep atria,’ Proceedings of the First Joint BMES/EMBS Conference 1, 157 (1999).


A. Chang, J. C. Bienfang, G. M. Hall, J. R. Gardner, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Stabilizing unstable steady states using extended time-delay autosynchronization,’ Chaos 8, 782 (1998).

Copyright ©(1998) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

G. M. Hall, S. Bahar, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Experimental control of a chaotic integrate-and-fire system using interspike intervals,’ Phys. Rev. E 58, 1685 (1998).

J. E. S. Socolar and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Analysis and comparison of multiple-delay schemes for controlling unstable fixed points of discrete maps,’ Phys. Rev. E 57, 6589 (1998).

D. J. Gauthier, ‘Controlling lasers by use of extended time-delay autosynchronization,’ Opt. Lett. 23, 703 (1998).

D. J. Gauthier, ‘Intermittent loss of synchronized chaos under conditions when high-quality synchronization is expected,’ in Proceedings of the 4th Experimental Chaos Conference, M. Ding, W. Ditto, L. Pecora, M. Spano, and S. Vohra, eds., (World Scientific, Singapore, 1998), pp. 383-394.

D. J. Gauthier,  ‘Chaos comes again,’ Science 279, 1156 (1998).


D. W. Sukow, ‘Experimental control of instabilities and chaos in fast dynamical systems,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished. [4.1 Mbytes]

D. J. Gauthier and J. E. S. Socolar, ‘Comment on ”Dynamic control of cardiac alternans”,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4938 (1997).

D. W. Sukow, J. R. Gardner, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Statistics of power dropout events in semiconductor lasers with time-delayed optical feedback,’ Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communications) 56, R3370 (1997).

D. W. Sukow, M. E. Bleich, D. J. Gauthier, and J. E. S. Socolar, ‘Controlling chaos in fast dynamical systems: experimental results and theoretical analysis,’ Chaos 7, 560 (1997).

Copyright © (1997) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The original article is available.

W. J. Brown, J. R. Gardner, D. J. Gauthier, and R. Vilaseca, ‘Amplification of laser beams counterpropagating through a potassium vapor: the effects of atomic coherence,’ Phys. Rev. A 56, 3255 (1997).

H. M. Concannon, W. J. Brown, J. R. Gardner, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Observation of large continuous-wave two-photon optical amplification,’ Phys. Rev. A 56, 1519 (1997).

W. J. Brown, J. R. Gardner, D. J. Gauthier, and R. Vilaseca, ‘Amplification of Laser Beams Propagating through a Collection of Strongly-Driven, Doppler-Broadened Two-Level Atoms,’ Phys. Rev. A (RapiCommunicationsos) 55, R1601 (1997).


H. M. Concannon, ‘Two-photon Raman gain in a laser driven potassium vapor,’ Duke University Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished.  [1.6 Mbytes]

S. C. Venkataramani, B. R. Hunt, E. Ott, D. J. Gauthier, and J. C. Bienfang, ‘Bubbling transitions of chaotic systems,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 5361 (1996).

D. J. Gauthier and D. W. Sukow, ‘Controlling chaos and instabilities in fast optical systems,’ LEOS Newsletter 6, 15 (1996).

D. J. Gauthier and J. C. Bienfang, ‘Intermittent loss of synchronization in coupled chaotic oscillators: toward a new criterion for high-quality synchronization,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1751 (1996).


D. J. Gauthier and H. M. Concannon, ‘Observation of 30% continuous-wave two-photon amplification,’ in Coherence and Quantum Optics VII, J.H. Eberly, L. Mandel and E. Wolf, Eds., (Plenum, New York, 1995), pp. 501-502.


D. J. Gauthier and H. M. Concannon, ‘The two-photon laser,’ in Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Solids: Advances and Applications, B. Di Bartolo and B. Bowlby, Eds. (Plenum Press, New York, 1994), pp. 365-384.

D. J. Gauthier, ‘The dynamics of optical systems: A renaissance of the 1990’s,’ Nonlinear Science Today 4, (2) 1 (1994).

J. E. S. Socolar, D. W. Sukow, and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Stabilizing unstable periodic orbits in fast dynamical systems,’ Phys. Rev. E 50, 3245 (1994).

D. J. Gauthier, D. W. Sukow, H. M. Concannon, and J. E. S. Socolar, ‘Stabilizing unstable periodic orbits in a fast diode resonator using continuous time-delay autosynchronization,’ Phys. Rev E 50, 2343 (1994).

B. A. Hooper, D. J. Gauthier, and J. M. J. Madey, ‘Fourth-harmonic generation in a single lithium niobate crystal by cascaded second-harmonic generation,’ Appl. Opt. 33, 6980 (1994).

H. M. Concannon and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Recent advances in two-photon lasers,’ Condensed Matter News 3, 7 (1994).

Q. Wu, D.J. Gauthier, and T.W. Mossberg, ‘Optical resonance and coherent transients in dressed atomic systems,’ Phys. Rev. A 50, 1474 (1994). 

H. M. Concannon and D. J. Gauthier, ‘Simple rate-equation model for two-photon lasers,’ Opt. Lett. 19, 472 (1994).

Q. Wu, D.J. Gauthier, and T.W. Mossberg, ‘Phase-sensitive dynamics of bichromatically driven two-level atoms,’ Phys. Rev. A 49, R1519-R1522 (1994). 


D. J. Gauthier and H. M. Concannon, ‘Instabilities in two-photon lasers,’ in Chaos in Optics, R. Roy, ed., Proc. SPIE 2039, 198-205 (1993).

D. J. Gauthier, ‘Alternate schemes for the coherent laser control of chemical reactions,’ J. Chem. Phys. 99, 1618 (1993).


D.J. Gauthier, Q. Wu, S.E. Morin and T.W. Mossberg, ‘Realization of a continuous-wave, two-photon-optical laser,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 464 (1992).


T.W. Mossberg, M. Lewenstein and D.J. Gauthier, ‘Trapping and cooling of atoms in a vacuum perturbed in a frequency-dependent manner,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 1723 (1991).

D.J. Gauthier, Y. Zhu, and T.W. Mossberg, ‘Observation of linewidth narrowing due to coherent stabilization of quantum fluctuations,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2460 (1991).

G.S. Agarwal, Y. Zhu, D.J. Gauthier, and T.W. Mossberg, ‘Spectrum of radiation from atoms under intense bichromatic excitation,’ J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 8, 1163 (1991).

J.H. Zhang, D.J. Gauthier, J. Huang, and T.W. Mossberg, ‘Use of phase-noisy laser fields in the storage of optical pulse shapes in inhomogeneously broadened absorbers,’ Opt. Lett. 16, 103 (1991).


Y. Zhu, Q. Wu, A. Lezama, D.J. Gauthier and T.W. Mossberg, ‘Resonance fluorescence of two-level atoms under strong bichromatic excitation,’ Phys. Rev. A 41, 6574 (1990).

Y. Zhu, D.J. Gauthier, S.E. Morin, Q. Wu, H.J. Carmichael and T.W. Mossberg, ‘Vacuum Rabi splitting as a feature of linear dispersion theory: Analysis and experimental observations,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2499 (1990).

D.J. Gauthier, M.S. Malcuit, A.L. Gaeta and R.W. Boyd, ‘Polarization bistability of counterpropagating laser beams,’ Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1721 (1990).


D.J. Gauthier, ‘Instabilities and chaos of laser beams propagating through nonlinear optical media,’ University of Rochester Ph.D. Dissertation, unpublished.

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D.J. Gauthier, R.W. Boyd, R.K. Jungquist J.B. Lisson and L.L. Voci, ‘Phase-conjugate Fizeau interferometer,’ Opt. Lett. 14, 323 (1989).

D.J. Gauthier, M.S. Malcuit and R.W. Boyd, ‘Bistability and chaos of counterpropagating laser beams,’ in Coherence and Quantum Optics VI, J.H. Eberly, L. Mandel and E. Wolf, eds., (Plenum, New York, 1989), pp. 395-399.

R.W. Boyd, A.L. Gaeta, D. J. Gauthier and M.S. Malcuit, ‘Bistability and chaotic instabilities of laser beams counterpropagating through sodium vapor,’ in Laser Spectroscopy IX, M.S. Feld, J.E. Thomas and A. Mooradian, eds. (Academic, Boston, 1989), pp. 164-166.


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R.W. Boyd, D.J. Gauthier, J. Krasinski and M.S. Malcuit, ‘Continuously tunable sum-frequency generation involving Rydberg states,’ in Laser Techniques in the Extreme Ultraviolet, S.E. Harris and T.B. Lucatorto, eds. (American Institute of Physics, New York, 1984), pp. 356-360.


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