To maintain the effectiveness of the intervention, the collaboration action is needed since preventing program should be supported by multiple level of communities from individual to population.
The collaboration action can be as following:
1. Parents’ supervision. Parents have a great influence to teen, including in the way they drive. Hence, parents have responsibilities to develop a good driving habits of their teen. Here are some examples/steps that parents can do:
- Have a discussion with their teen about being a safe driver.
- Make a family pledge or parent-teen driving agreement. Print the pledge or agreement and have every member of the family to commit with the pledge.
- Know the laws in your state. If your state doesn’t have a rule of limiting the number of teen passengers, parents should limit the number of the passengers their teen can have.
More information about this can be found here.
2. Community collaboration. Community can be participated through the primary care programmes and training of community health workers, nongovernmental organizations, community-based organizations and other grassroots groups.
This collaboration can be facilitated through campaign in the community or web based campaign, such as National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS), which provides a Teen Distracted Driving Community Engagement Guide to help adults, parents, and advisors to encourage teenager drivers get involved in prevention program.
3. National Multi-Agency Coordination. Government should take responsibilities in the different levels. Those responsibilities can be in following approach:
Provision and maintenance of roads by Ministries of public works and associatedagencies
Traffic laws and regulations (e.g. banning text message, prohibit hand-held cell phone use, limited number of passangers), and certification of vehicles and drivers by Ministries of transport.
Safety education by Ministries of education
Allocation of sufficient resources to the relevant agencies by Ministries of finance
Another way to promote and maintain the safety on the road is having campaign through mass media, such as internet.
US Government support society through a specific website that provides all information related to “Distracted Driving”. This website offer information about the fact of distracted driving, the action that can be taken to prevent the accident due to distracted driving, sharing information on conversation/talking feature, some flyers and stickers, and some regulations related to distracted driving.
Further information about this website can be checked on website below.
Different kind of collaboration can be developed based on WHO in Road Traffic Injury Prevention: Training Manual.