Major Service Project


Project Title: Restful Nights

Service Site Name: The James Caner Hospital

Describe your involvement with this organization.

When the new James Cancer Hospital was opening up last year, I thought it would be a great opportunity to combine my passion for service and interest in healthcare.  Spring semester freshman year I applied and started volunteering at the James in Patient Registration.  Over the summer, I switched roles volunteering for the Restful Nights Program which I have continued serving for this year.  Every Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. I visited patient rooms throughout the hospital offering amenities such as eye masks, neck pillows, lotions, and reading materials.  The goal of this program is to offer patients a restful evening after a long day of appointments and treatments.

Describe what you gained as a result of this experience.

Over the past year, I gained so much from this experience.  Not only have I witnessed the multidimensional approach to patient care and gotten to know the hospital setup, but I have also gained a new perspective on patient interaction.  Being knowledgeable and attentive is just as important as having a listening ear.  It is import to try and understand where the patient is coming from in order to provide the best care possible.  I am grateful for this experience and the valuable skills in patient interaction I have gained.

Describe positive changes to the community as a result of your service experience.

This experience helped make the environment of the hospital more comfortable and personalized for the patients. Having the chance to converse with the patients and provide little joys to family members shows them they are cared for, important, and loved.

Describe a person with whom you interacted that made a strong impression on you, positive or negative.

There have been many memorable patients I have had the opportunity to meet at the James.  One in particular was a lady undergoing treatment yet one of the most enthusiastic and grateful people I have ever met.  Walking into her room, I could tell she was feeling a little down at first, but after telling her about the Restful Nights program she instantly started to lighten and open up.  She explained how excited she was for her two boys to come visit in a few days and really appreciated someone taking the time to talk with her.  I gave a her some playing cards suggesting she use them for when her kids come.  In response, she was so appreciative to have something fun to do with her kids, giving me a hug before I left.  The gratitude she expressed really showed me the impact a small gesture can have and how the little joys can make a big difference.

 “Because of this service experience, I am more personal in my perspective toward patient care.” 

Informational Interview


Informational interview with Georgianna Sergakis, PhD, RRT, FAARC.

Why did you select this individual to interview?

I interviewed Georgianna Sergakis, Assistant Professor and Program Director of Ohio State’s Respiratory Therapy program.  I first met Georg when I was placed into her STEP cohort fall 2015.  From the beginning, I was inspired by her experience in health care and her enthusiasm for students.  As a Respiratory Therapy major myself it was amazing to have Georg as my STEP advisor and I thought interviewing her would be a great opportunity to learn more about her career path.

Describe the major responsibilities associated with their current role.

As an Administrator and Program Director of the Respiratory Therapy program, Georg is one of the main overseers of the program and is responsible for recruitment, advising, and admissions.  She is a Clinical Faculty member so most of her time is focused on education in the classroom and advising research.  In her current position, there is also a service element toward the university, community, and profession and she is involved with conducting and collaborating research. Georg expressed how being and educator is rewarding and the most satisfying part of her job is seeing her students grow and progress.

Discuss how the person prepared for this role, and if they provided you with any advice as what you might be able to do to prepare for a similar career.

Georg graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Bachelor of Science in Allied Health and Respiratory Therapy.  She also received her Master’s of Allied Health Education and continued on to get her Doctorate and Master’s of Work Force Development and Education, all from Ohio State! Georg also has many respiratory specializations and certifications including being an RRT, CTTS, and an AARC fellow. It was really encouraging to talk to such a successful graduate of the same undergrad program I am pursing at Ohio State.  Georg really encouraged me to take advantage of opportunities and advised me to go after what I am passionate about.

Summarize any insights from the interview that might be helpful in your academic or career preparation.

Georg provided amazing insight in our interview.  Something I appreciated her expanding upon was that it is not always a straight path to our destination, in fact it never is.  So often I have ideas of what I want to be, thinking there is a specific step-by-step process needed to get there.  She helped me realize there is never a straight path.  It is a series of turns and opportunities that will lead to a place with the most passion and fulfillment.  Georg advised me to chase after what I am passionate about and to go after opportunities, even if they are only of slight interest.  Georg reassured me that in respiratory therapy in particular there are so many opportunities to be a “superstar!”  After talking with Georg, I am even more excited and motivated to become a Respiratory Therapist.  I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to get to know Georg this year through STEP and I am looking forward to starting the Respiratory Therapy program in the fall.