Are you interested in the value of your landscape for pollinators? This citizen science project gauges the health of your bee community by measuring the pollination it provides. We can then compare the efficiency of crop pollination across Ohio home gardens. To participate, email Mary Gardiner ( and request a toolkit today for the 2017 sampling season. For details about what you will do as a Pollination Investigators Volunteer check out the Experiment page on this website.
I spoke to Shetlar about the bees attracted to my male hops and found out that they are natives, pretty cool!
That IS really cool! They were seeking an early season pollen source it sounds like. Did you get any photos of them?
Sounds great
Thanks so much for signing up Sandra!!
i am interested in the pepper pollination project. i encourage bees to live or visit my gardens. i do not have face book.
Hello Barb, Facebook is not a requirement to participate. I was just letting people know we will be using Facebook live to post some instructional videos. If you would like to review the experiment to see what you would do as a volunteer check out the “experiment” page on this site, it has all the details you will need. We will also be posting a video soon, on the “video” tab that walks you through the steps. If you decide to sign up, all instructions on how to do so can be found on the “sign up” page. Thanks so much for your interest and work on behalf of bee conservation! Mary
i am ready to go.
My 4-H club and I are interested in your volunteer program, I am a bee keeper as well
I think our project would be really fun as a 4H activity! Check out the “sign up” page on this site Karen, it has all the details on what information we need and how to enroll.