Pollination Investigators 2018

Hi Everybody,

The Gardiner Lab at Ohio State University is excited to announce that we are now officially accepting participants for Pollination Investigators 2018. If you are interested in participating in a study to help us better understand Ohio’s backyard pollinators, than this is a great program for you!  If you have any questions, or are a participant of previous years and would like to get involved again, please contact pollinationinvestigator@gmail.com

Please Complete Our Survey!!


Dear Citizen Scientists,

Thank you for participating in Pollination Investigators this past summer!  We hope you found the project to be enjoyable and worthwhile.

Below is a link to a short survey to evaluate the project protocol in order to improve the program for the future.  We invite responses from all those that received a pollination toolkit.  We would really appreciate your feedback on this project!


This survey will not ask for any personal information.  All questions will be aimed to assess how to improve the program.  These data will be maintained at Ohio State University by Dr. Mary Gardiner.

Please, let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Kayla Perry and Mary Gardiner

Meet the Bees at Stratford Ecological Center

Want to learn about bees and their ecological role?  The Stratford Ecological Center in Delaware, Ohio is hosting a Meet the Bees event tomorrow, July 22, from 10 – 11:30 am.  $10 per family.  Contact Dave Noble (740-363-2548) for availability.  Check out the link below for information!


Send Us Project Updates!

We are interested to hear about your progress as a Pollination Investigator!  Send us an update and a photo of your pepper plants!

Check out Joe’s pepper plants in his garden! Thanks for participating in Pollination Investigators, Joe!  Although I will admit, I didn’t give my Dad much of a choice.  🙂  I think he is pleasantly surprised with how much fun science can be!  Go Science!

Send pictures to: pollinationinvestigator@gmail.com, or email with any questions or concerns!

Experiment Progress

I hope the experiment set-up went smoothly for everyone!  Our pepper plants are in the garden and doing well.

Send us an update on your peppers and a picture of the experiment in your garden!  Check out Marlin’s peppers below.  Thanks for the photo and update, Marlin!

Send pictures to: pollinationinvestigator@gmail.com, or email with any questions or concerns!



Seedling Progress

Our seedlings are looking great, and we have begun the hardening off process. Today I put the seedlings outside for a couple of hours, and then increase the amount of time they are outside for 7 days. Avoid putting your seedlings in the direct sun in the beginning and make sure you water them well during this process.

Bees on a Plane

This is a first for me. I am traveling to Washington DC with 3,000 + pinned bees from one of our research studies. The project examined the value of urban agricultural crops and weedy plants as forage for pollinators. I will meet with an expert tomorrow who will verify our identifications before we move forward to publish the study.


I was excited to see that some of my peppers have sprouted when I got into my office this morning. Once they establish 1-2 true leaves i will begin to harden them off.