Boosting Your Note-Taking Process

During this week’s module, I was able to learn more about note taking and how to effectively do it. Growing up, we do not have classes teaching us how to effectively take notes. I am really glad that certain classes like Online Learning Strategies and Skills 1159. They are able to teach us skills for success in other classes as well. In lesson 5 slide 7 there was a video about taking notes in class (Link: One instructor from Indiana University’s Student academic Center talks about 3 things to use when taking notes in a lecture. The first one is active listening. When listening to an professor or instructor it is important to see when they change their voice in pitch because that can determine what topics to write down. Another thing to keep attention to is the instructors rhythm and when they pause because those might be key words to write down. Another thing they talk about is how to deal with is the speed. Sometimes when taking notes we often miss key points. It is helpful to star that place you miss and see the instructor or another student to finish the notes, that way you don’t get behind. Lastly is the structure of the lesson. Most instructors start with writing down the topic they will talk about this is important because when you go back to review your notes or read your class book, you can go back and know what topic is being talk about. At some extent I use all three of these strategies, but I plan on using them more while I switch back to writing down notes for certain classes.