First Year

Global Awareness: Gained a new appreciation for diversity through an RA training course, looking forward to study abroad

Original Inquiry: Gained hands-on lab experience through SEA PHAGES lab provided through my Biology course

Academic Enrichment: Applying what I’ve learned in my classes, both textbook information and life lessons, and applied them to my everyday life

Leadership Development: Served as a site leader for MLK Day Of Service, was first floor representative of Haverfield-Barrett activites board, looking forward to more leadership opportunities

Service Engagement: Participated in community service around campus, especially MLK Day Of Service, looking forward to more service opportunities


Summer Jobs

This summer I began working again at All Breeds Kennels, a local pet boarding business that I have been employed at for over 2 years. I quickly realized that looking for a second job would be a good idea in order to start saving for school. I applied to Schlotzsky’s as a cashier, (a deli-type restaurant) on a whim and got the job! In addition to working odd jobs, my summer has been packed with working. Although it can get really tiring sometimes, I’m learning so many professional skills, especially customer service!

Year in Review

End of first semester reflection:

The first week of school was very overwhelming for me. There were so many events and assignments happening at once. I quickly got into a drumbeat of things and created a routine that included a nice lunch break with an episode of Seinfeld and a nap.

I wish I would’ve pushed myself a little more when it came to exams, but studying habits is something I’m still working on. I’ve had an enjoyable semester. I’ve made a lot of friends and am involved with Pets for Vets. I even applied to be an RA next year!

I look forward to a fresh start next semester and new classes!



This ancient artifact dates back all the way to the OSU Involvement Fair 2015. My excitement for Ohio State was as fresh as a baby plant… Like the free plants that the Catholic Club were giving out. My plant has evolved since that day. My roommate Sam brought be a mug to put it in. A week later I decided to cover it with a popcorn container. The plant has also grown so quickly in such little time. I feel like I am the plant. Although I haven’t been at college long, I’ve grown so much as a person. I’ve also had new experiences that have shaped me (the mug) and given me new ways to express myself (popcorn container). This is why I have chosen a plant as my first artifact to represent my time here at THE Ohio State University.

About Me


Hi all! My name is Emily Paulsen and I’m from Toledo, Ohio. Going from a graduating class of 40 to 7,000 has been quite the change, but I’m loving every minute of it. My hobbies include dabbling in guitar and piano, fostering kittens, going to concerts, volunteering at the humane society, and watching Seinfeld. I’m so excited to explore everything that OSU and Columbus have to offer and discover more about myself.
GO BUCKS #new2osu