Turfgrass Times: 4-9-2021

Authors  Amy Stone Published on April 16, 2021
Spring Turfgrass ActivityA little bit of a delay from the original video post of last week’s Turfgrass Times, but we wanted to be sure each of you can tune into this recording. It is not too late to hear this valuable turfgrass information. The recording was made on Friday, April 9th, and includes a lot of information from the OSU  turf experts. Contributors include Dr. Ed Nangle; Dr. Pamela Sherratt; Dr. David Gardner; Todd Hicks; and Dr. Dave Shetlar (aka the Bug Doc).

Video highlights include seasonal sports turf tips; weather and weeds and management options; lack of turfgrass diseases with dry conditions; be prepared for turfgrass anthracnose; annual bluegrass weevils; native cranefly larvae noticed in central, Ohio; and pavement ants.

The link for the most recent Turfgrass Times is: https://youtu.be/zuYEjUtJvI4

The address of the Turfgrass Research Facility is 2710 North Star Rd, Columbus, OH 43221.  This is the address where turfgrass samples should be sent for diagnostics. For more information about the diagnostic services provided specifically for turfgrass – the cost of the services, and the form needed to accompany the sample, please check out the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic website at: https://ppdc.osu.edu/submit-sample/turfgrass