MGV Hotline

Paulding County (Ohio) MGV Hotline Questionnaire

Paulding County (Ohio) MGV Hotline Questionnaire

Please use this form to help get your question answered about any horticulture, yard, garden or insect problem. During COVID-19 Telework, the Paulding County Extension Office will not be taking any live samples or sending live samples to any laboratories. Please use this form to the best of your ability.

Email Address
Name and Address *
Name and Address
First Name, Last Name
Street Address
Category of Problem
Could be common or latin name - more detail equates to better help - Maple - vs - Red Maple, Coniferous vs Decidious, it's okay if you do not know.
i.e. woods, wetland, Northside of house, sunny location, shady location, near our swimming pool, full sun garden, area that floods
What is the problem you are experiencing?
When did you first notice this problem?
Tell me about the area you are noticing this problem? (i.e. This is a newly dug pond, have mulch around the base of this plant, we have recently constructed a house and we are trying to get plants to grow, this tree was on the property when I move here in 1987, etc.)
Have you used any chemical, mechanical or cultural control. (i.e Fertilized with a 10-10-10 fertilizer, added gypsum to the soil, applied RoundUp to the landscape, I added sand to my current garden.) Please include the rate, date of application and amount if possible.
Any other information you would like to provide to assist in answering your question.
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Maximum file size: 52.22MB

Please, upload at least one picture of your problem. We like pictures up close, a distant shot to see the surroundings, a picture of the entire subject in question.
File Upload

Maximum file size: 52.22MB

Please, upload at least one picture of your problem. We like pictures up close, a distant shot to see the surroundings, a picture of the entire subject in question.
File Upload

Maximum file size: 52.22MB

Please, upload at least one picture of your problem. We like pictures up close, a distant shot to see the surroundings, a picture of the entire subject in question.
File Upload

Maximum file size: 52.22MB

Please, upload at least one picture of your problem. We like pictures up close, a distant shot to see the surroundings, a picture of the entire subject in question.
File Upload

Maximum file size: 52.22MB

Please, upload at least one picture of your problem. We like pictures up close, a distant shot to see the surroundings, a picture of the entire subject in question.

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