Bark Beetles and Ambrosia Beetles: the Big Picture

Bark Beetles

I’ve received several reports over the past few weeks from landscape managers and arborists of small holes in tree trunks that are oozing sap or exuding odd-looking cylindrical strands of white sawdust.  The delicate strands of packed sawdust and insect excrement are the calling card of ambrosia beetles and are sometimes called “frass toothpicks.”  The oozing holes are the work of bark beetles.

Bark Beetle

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Is It Oak Wilt, Or Not?

Suspect Oak Wilt in NW Ohio - Lucas County
Photo Credit Amy Stone

From Amy Stone, OSU Extension, Lucas County

Oak wilt is a very serious and often deadly disease of oaks, specifically the oaks in the red or black oak group. The actual pathogen (Bretziella fagacearum) that causes the disease has been known to be in Ohio for many decades. Some years, it appears to be worse than others. Oak wilt is not like the emerald ash borer that spreads rapidly, almost like a tidal wave moving in one direction. Oak wilt builds in a way that it can radiate out to other like trees, but advances at a slower pace, but even then, can cause tree death in a single season, and often in a matter of weeks. When not managed it can continue to spread or move-out across an oak-dominated landscape, park, or woodlot as pictured below.

The fungus invades the sapwood or the water-conducting tissues of the tree. In addition to its actual presence in the tree, it also triggers a defense reaction by the tree to stop the fungal spread. This action interferes with water uptake from the tree roots upwards to branches and ultimately leaves in the canopy. The result is wilting. Leaves turn brown from the tips, inward to the base of the leaf that attached to the branch. It has been described that this transition on the leaf looks like if you dipped it partially in milk chocolate. Continue reading

Tree and Wood Harvesting in the Area

From John Mueller, District Manager, Division of Forestry – Findlay

As our economy changes and reshoring from foreign countries takes place, there are some disruptions in the wood supply.  This is leading to mid-west wood and wood box suppliers looking for alternative supply sources.  We have received letters in the county from these suppliers looking to come directly to your wooded property and provide you a quote to purchase your trees with a commitment on the spot. Please know that you DO NOT have to commit at that time and you can receive help and advice on this if you prefer.  There is competition for your wood and perhaps you could get a better price.

Comment from Sarah – Believe it or not, we have a division of Ohio Forestry over Paulding County.  They will be a neutral party in any discussions and make sure that you are not being taken advantage of in these critical decisions. If this is a topic that you would like education on, I would be willing to set up a virtual informational countywide meeting. 

Reach out to

John Mueller, District Manager– Division of Forestry- Findlay, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, 952 Lima Avenue, Findlay, OH 45840, Office Number: 419-424-5004,,

Keeping Yourself and Your Woodlands Healthy videos and resources from May 8 Webinar Now Available

From Dave Apsley

Below are the videos and resources from all eight presentations from our May 8 Virtual DAY in the WOODS.   Thanks to all of our partners and presenters for making this happen! The topics include Spring Migrating Birds, Health Benefits of Woodlands, Crop Tree Management, Evaluate your Road and Trails, Boundary Marking, Look for Spotted Lantern Fly, and Other Insects, Inventory Young Oaks, Scouting for Invasive Plants.

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