2023 Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop

Join us Saturday, March 18th at the Oasis Conference Center, 902 Loveland-Miamiville Rd, Loveland, OH 45140

Speakers from Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana will offer information-packed sessions for interested landowners. View the agenda.


Early Registration – $45 (register before 3/6/2023)

Registration after 3/6/2023 – $55


Final Day to Register:  March 10, 2023


Register athttps://go.osu.edu/ohrivervalley23

Online Fruit Pruning School is March 9 and 14


The Ohio State University South Centers is hosting a two-part Online Fruit Pruning School on Thursday, March 9, and Tuesday, March 14, 2023. This is a FREE online event that will be conducted virtually via the Zoom communications platform.

Part 1 on March 9 will focus on pruning fruit trees including apples, peaches, and pears. Part 2 will be held on March 14, and will cover small fruits like blueberries, grapes, and raspberries. Both sessions will begin at 9:30 a.m.

Please register no later than Monday, March 6, 2023. Simply visit the link below and fill out the registration form. We also plan on offering recordings afterward, so you can access the event on-demand, as we know this fits some people’s schedules better.

Register here: http://go.osu.edu/pruningschool

For even more information, consult the attached flyer.

Looking forward to seeing you (virtually) again this year!

Online Fruit Pruning School

Come join us for a three-part, online workshop to learn proper pruning techniques to improve production and quality in your apple, grape, and raspberry plantings. You will be online with Ohio State University South Centers experts, who will give live presentations with short pre-recorded videos. They will also answer your questions.

PART 1 – Tuesday, MARCH 1

9:30-10:45 a.m.     Apple Tree Training + Pruning

PARTS 2+3 – Tuesday, MARCH 8
9:30-10:45 a.m.     Grape Vine Training + Pruning
11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.   Raspberry Bush Pruning

We will also have drawings for some locally-produced goodies. Must be present to win.

Pruning Flyer 2022

Deadline: Monday, February 28, 2022
Cost: FREE
Location: ONLINE
Contact: Bradford Sherman, 614-247-9680, sherman.1473@osu.edu

Wilted Buckeye Leaves May Not Be Freeze Damage

Author Joe Boggs Published on April 22, 2021
Buckeye Petiole Borer

Temperatures have dropped into the dumpster for a second time this spring throughout Ohio.  Of course, it’s spring and it’s Ohio.

Round one turned beautiful magnolia blooms into brown mush in southwest Ohio.  Impacts from this second round are yet to be determined but it’s likely some trees and shrubs suffered frost/freeze damage that will eventually be revealed with symptoms ranging from blasted flowers to wilted, blackened leaves, to twig dieback.

However, feeding damage by the buckeye petiole borer (Zeiraphera claypoleana, family Tortricidae) produces symptoms that are a dead ringer for frost/freeze damage.  Wilted leaves on buckeyes (Aesculus spp.) deserve a close look.

Buckeye Petiole Borer

Dave Shetlar (OSU Entomology, Professor Emeritus) shared images of the caterpillars in buckeye petioles in central Ohio during our BYGL Zoom Inservice on Tuesday morning.  Curtis Young (OSU Extension, Van Wert County) showed images of the symptoms on buckeyes in northwest Ohio and I’m finding damage on wild understory buckeyes in the southwest part of the state.

We’ve noted in past BYGL Alerts that the moth appears to prefer small understory trees growing in wooded areas along streams.  I’ve rarely seen damage on mature trees or trees in landscapes.  Although the literature notes this native moth is specific to Ohio buckeye (A. glabra), I’ve also observed petiole borer activity on yellow buckeye (A. flava).

Petiole Borer Detection

As their common name indicates, the caterpillars tunnel within leaf petioles to feed on vascular tissues.  The damage causes leaves to rapidly droop, wilt, and turn dark green to black.  Damaged leaves eventually detach producing mild defoliation.

Buckeye Petiole Borer

Buckeye Petiole Borer

I’ve never found more than one caterpillar per petiole even where populations are high.  Look closely for a slight swelling of the petiole on wilted leaves.  There may be a small hole exuding granular-like frass (insect excrement).  This indicates there is a caterpillar actively feeding within the petiole.

Buckeye Petiole Borer

Buckeye Petiole Borer

A clean hole in the petiole indicates the caterpillar has completed its development and exited to pupate in the soil.  Slicing open the petiole will reveal a short, empty chamber.

Buckeye Petiole Borer

Buckeye Petiole Borer

Trees usually only suffer a few damaged leaves.  The hit-or-miss nature of the wilted leaves provides good evidence that it’s not frost/freeze injury.  Damage by this borer may appear conspicuous; however, the caterpillars seldom cause enough leaf loss to affect the overall health of infested trees.

Buckeye Petiole Borer

On the other hand, earlier this week, I found and photographed a caterpillar boring into the tender new terminal growth on a small understory tree in southwest Ohio.  I’ve never seen or heard of this type of damage.  However, damage to main stems represents a potentially more serious impact compared to the loss of a nominal number of leaves.

Buckeye Petiole Borer

Buckeye Petiole Borer

Buckeye Petiole Borer

There are two generations in Ohio with the first generation coming to an end in the southern part of the state.  The vast majority of the petioles I inspected earlier this week were empty with only a few petioles and the aforementioned main stem containing mature caterpillars.


There are no chemical control recommendations given that the damage is usually confined to wild buckeyes growing in wood lots and leaf loss from the petiole borer is seldom significant.  However, I’ve seen localized populations gradually increase over successive years to eventually produce very noticeable symptoms with the damage caused by the second generation becoming more severe.

Buckeye Petiole Borer

Hand-removal of infested leaves can reduce localized petiole borer populations.  The first step is to make certain the petioles actually contain caterpillars; a clean hole means the caterpillar has vacated the premises!  Removing first-generation caterpillars will decrease damaged caused by the second generation later this spring and the removal of second-generation caterpillars will help to deplete the overall population.

The second step is to destroy the caterpillar within the infested leaves and stomping is highly effective.  Thus far, no populations have become resistant to this control method.

Online Fruit Pruning School – Tuesday, March 16th from 9:30 am – 11:30 am

From Gary Gao, OSU Extension, South Center

There will be a free online fruit pruning school hosted by OSU South Centers.  This a great opportunity to get some pointers on keeping your berries and grapes in top shape.

Come join us for an informative online workshop to learn proven pruning techniques to maximize production and quality in your vineyard and fruit plantings. You will be online with Ohio State University South Centers experts, who will give presentations and answer your questions.

Click here to view, download, or print the flyer –> Pruning-2021


Topics for the day will be featuring blueberries, blackberries, and grapes:

• Pruning blackberry bushes
• Pruning mature blueberry bushes
• Pruning mature grapevines
• Pruning demonstrations videos

Escape to the Forest featuring Maple Syrup Education

Join OSU’s Les Ober, Geauga Co. Extension, and SENR’s Gabe Karns and Kathy Smith, for this session on how to make your own syrup or explore turning your woods into a sugarbush as an income opportunity.  Continuing education credits will be available.

Join us for this timely Friday Escape to the Forest Webinar–  From Tree to Table: Ohio Maple Syrup  March 12th from 10 am – 12 pm.

Register here:  go.osu.edu/syrup

We hope to see you there!

Registration is now open for “Native trees and shrubs for wildlife” offered on March 12 via Zoom Webinar

A DAY in the WOODS presents “Native trees and shrubs for wildlife” on March 12 via Zoom Webinar.  This program will take place from 10 am to noon. It will focus on the food provided by native trees and shrubs for Ohio’s many species of wildlife.

Click here to register

Featured presenters include Ryan Boyer (District Biologist IN, MI, OH; National Wild Turkey Federation), Marne Titchenell (Wildlife Program Specialist, OSU Extension), and Dave Apsley (Natural Resources Specialist, OSU Extension).

Join us on March 12 at 10 AM to learn more about “Native trees and shrubs for wildlife” including:

  • Types of food provided by trees and shrubs for wildlife
  • Seasonality and nutritional value of food (mast) produced by trees and shrubs
  • Importance of providing a diverse mix of native, woody plant species
  • Methods you can employ in your woodlands to enhance the production of the mast and other wildlife benefits
  • Resources available help you to enhance these habitat elements in your woods

“Mapping your woodland” virtual A DAY in the WOODS offered on October 9

By Dave Apsley, OSU Extension

Our October 9, A DAY in the WOODS program Mapping your woodland will once again be offered virtually via Zoom and YouTube videos.    This program will focus on tools that you can use to locate boundaries and other land features, and to create digital maps from location data using free GPS (Global Positioning System) phone applications and online mapping tools.


Videos and resources now available from August 14 event “Legal Considerations for Woodland Owners-Virtual Day in the Woods”

From Dave Apsley, OSU Extension

Meeting Recording: Zoom Meeting Recording

  • Timber Theft and Trespass in Ohio – James S. Savage, Esq. and Mark Rickey, Service Forester, ODNR-Division of Forestry (Start at the beginning of the video)
  • Ohio Fence Line Law, recreational user laws and other issues facing Ohio woodland owners-Peggy Kirk Hall, Associate Professor, Agricultural & Resource Law, Ohio State University Extension, and Amy Milam, Director of Legal Education, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation (Start at minute 51 of the video)

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