
Hello Everyone!


I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself…just a little (sonrisa).  I will update with more tidbits of information…occasionally.

Let me start by saying that I am a cat lover (dogs are good, too) albeit I do not own any cats presently.  I did have three “Siamese” cats—chocolate point, blue point, and lilac point, whose names were Allegro (lively or cheerful music), Spencer (philosopher/writer), and Electra (the “Electra” complex!), respectively.  These cats really really really “loved” me.  At night when my wife, Mary Beth, and I were getting ready to go to sleep, all three cats would jump on the bed and positioned themselves near or on me.  One slept at my feet (Spencer); one sleep near my face (Allegro); and one sleep at the top of my head (Electra).  They did not go near my wife, who is a cat tolerator, but does appreciate the feline personality.

While I was working at my computer in my home office, Spencer would come in and sit at my feet.  Allegro would jump on my lap and stay there.  And, dear ole Electra would jump on my shoulders and park herself there!  It was a challenge to type….

You should Google the phrase, Electra complex, and you will understand after the story below how Electra got her name.  Electra was really “madly in love” with me (sonrisa).  She was so possessive that she literally pushed away the other two male cats when she wanted to be on my lap while I was watching television.  To make matters even more interesting (or unbelievable), she would hiss loudly at my wife whenever she came near me while Electra was on my lap!  My wife, Mary Beth, was not amused, especially when Electra took a swipe at her with her paw!

Now you know how Electra got her name.

Unfortunately, all three cats have passed away.  Mary Beth and I have talked about getting another cat (or two)—and actually another dog (oh, we had a dog for a while), but we’re not really ready yet.  Besides, we’re wrap up with being the guardians for our son, Peter Ben, who has Down syndrome and autism (that story will have to wait).

So, we gave our pets interesting names such as Allegro, Spencer, and Electra.  Oh yeah, the dog’s name was Pachelbel because I was obsessed with Pachelbel’s Canon in D (you gotta google that too—and listen to it!).

Well, that’s it for now.  I’ll have other stories to tell in the near future.

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