
About Me

Hi, I am Ameya Patil! I am pursuing a major in Biology and plan to minor in Bioethics at The Ohio State University – Columbus, OH. I am a member of the Honors program at the School of Arts and Sciences. I am a motivated aspiring medic who believes in simplicity, teamwork, and out of the box thinking to find innovative solutions.

I did high school from India and decided to continue higher education in the United States. I believe in an integrated approach to healthcare and I felt that studying medicine in the United States would give me the opportunity to learn and integrate the non-clinical aspects of healthcare in a clinical setting. Further, colleges in the United States offered pathways like the MD- Ph.D. programs which were in the keeping of my long term goals of pursuing clinical research – a field that would be difficult to pursue in India.

Trained in CPR and First Aid, I volunteer with the American Red Cross FAST team at events in Columbus, and as a Duty Officer with the Disaster Action Team for the BuckeyeRegion. I am an active member of EnCompass- a student organization that helps provide an integrated approach to healthcare by addressing the social determinants of healthcare. I am actively involved with Anugraha Foundation- a NGO that works towards meeting enabling differently-abled young adults to live a life of dignity. I used to conduct music therapy sessions for their members. Now I help by writing content for their website and marketing.

In my spare time, I work as a technician at the Bike Hub at OSU, play the bansuri (a type of Indian flute) and create youtube videos explaining entry-level college topics in Biology and Chemistry.

Year in Review

[ “Year in Review”  is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student.  You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


I believe that the GOALS form a very import part of the Honors community and guide students so as to achieve excellence in their respective fields.

In order to cultivate Global Awareness in me, I plan on being a part of the PCRF (Palestine Children’s Relief Fund). My interest in world politics and its influence over society has encouraged me to attend the lectures based on world democracy organized by the history department.

The Ohio State University offers plenty of research opportunities that I plan to take advantage of. I plan to get involved in some medicine related research soon. Research promotes Original though and inquiry and I believe that it is questioning things most other people take as granted that lead to scientific breakthroughs. As for the streams of research are concerned, I am interested in in fields included but not limited to Neural networks, Genetics and Developmental disorders.

After Undergraduate studies, I plan to apply to med school. Apart from the clinical and Research points of view, I am interested in pursuing a global health and sustainability side of practice. One of my dreams is to work for the WHO and I believe at OSU I have the resources that can guide me towards this path. I plan to get engaged in research opportunities and volunteer at clinics. This will give me exposure into the work style at these places

I am currently Majoring in Biology. I am considering doing a double major and am currently evaluating the possible choices that would match my interests: these Include Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience, Molecular Genetics, or Public Health.

As an active member of ENcomass and PCRF I plan to take up leadership roles and contribute to society in whatever way in possible. As a member of Encompass I strive to aid patients find basic needs because antibiotics cannot a=cure a person who doesn’t have food. I believe I have been an active contributor to my classes by leading class discussions and group projects. Further, I plan on expanding my love for cycling by participating in Pelotonia. I have a passion for endurance cycling and I wish to contribute to society by being a part of the the cycling event.

Back in India, I run an organization called Viride, which works for environmental sustainability. We conducted awareness campaigns against littering which is a major problem in India. I plan to start a chapter of my organization at OSU which could possibly address the problem of overuse of paper and other resources comfortably stating that they can be recycled. However, I believe that reducing the use of these materials should be the first step towards the development of a sustainable future.




Aspiring to be a doctor. Primarily interested in clinical and  research fields in Neuro.

I have been working for the rehabilitation of autistic young adults and would like to conduct research in this field.